American Revolution Chapter 7
Directions Take out a piece of lined-paper and pencil Everything else should be off of your desk I will pass out tissues, white boards, and markers – please do not write on the whiteboards until I ask you do so
Rules I will read a question and you will write the answer on the white board, BUT make sure to hide your answer so no one steals it We will all reveal at the same time If your answer is correct, add up the points – and if you are incorrect, subtract the points. You keep score for yourself! We are playing with the honor-system Scores should be kept on the top right of your white board. If you do not answer the question correctly, you MUST write it down on your lined paper. Please do not draw on your white board and write in LARGE Letters so I can see your answers
MilitaryBattles Influential People & Ideas Reasons We Won Miscellaneous
Military – 100 This group of people were professional German soldiers hired to fight for Britain
Military– 100 Who were the Hessian mercenaries?
Military– 200 The British promised this group freedom if they joined them in the war.
Military– 200 Who were the African Americans (slaves?)
Military– 300 George Washington was the leader of this group of soldiers
Military– 300 What was the Continental army?
Military– 400 This young, French General, served in the Continental Army.
Military– 400 Who was the Marquis de Lafayette?
Battles– 100 These battles convinced King Louis XVI to send aid to the colonies.
Battles – 100 What were the Battles at Saratoga?
Battles – 200 This group failed to adequately supply Washington's army with supplies for war.
Battles– 200 Who is Congress?
Battles – 300 This hit and run type of fighting was especially important in the South for the Continental Army.
Battles – 300 What was Guerrilla Warfare?
Battles – 400 America is the only country to win this from Britain through war.
Battles – 400 What is independence?
Influential People and Ideas – 100 This man is known as the father of modern guerrilla warfare.
Influential People and Ideas – 100 Who was Francis Marion?
Influential People and Ideas – 200 This man was King of England during the revolution.
Influential People and Ideas – 200 Who was King George III?
Influential People and Ideas – 300 During the war, many people saw a conflict between liberty and this method of ownership.
Influential People and Ideas – 300 What is slavery?
Influential People and Ideas – 400 The American Revolution was like a civil war because it divided the population into these 2 groups
Influential People and Ideas – 400 What is: Loyalist v. Patriots
Reasons we won This country decided to enter the war after the battles of Saratoga; and gave us soldiers, money, leaders, and supplies.
Reasons we won What was France?
Reasons we won The American Army underwent a tremendous transformation and came out much stronger after this winter encampment
Reasons we won- 200 What was Valley Forge?
Reasons we won During this battle the Continental army surprised the Hessians
Reasons we won What is Trenton?
Reasons we won This German general taught the Continental army proper military techniques
Reasons we won What is Valley Forge?
Miscellaneous – 100 This agreement ended the American Revolution.
Miscellaneous– 100 What was the Treaty of Paris?
Miscellaneous – 200 Soldiers from Valley Forge contracted this condition from not having proper shoes.
Miscellaneous – 200 What is frost bite?
Miscellaneous – 300 Spain aided the colonists in the war by….
Miscellaneous – 300 What is the spreading of soldiers and resources throughout the south?
Miscellaneous – 400 This is what happens when soldiers leave the military without permission
Miscellaneous – 400 What is desertion?