Odd one out?
Effective participator Atheism and the Media Is religion presented negatively in the media? Aim: To understand how the media can influence people(L4). Goal: To consider whether religion is presented in a negative light in the media(L5/6).
What could influence your attitude/behaviour? Influences on young people...
How can the media influence people? Josie Gibson’s Weight Loss Secret After shedding 3st in three months, BB11 champ Josie reveals how she got in the best shape of her life Hannah Waterman’s Diet Secrets
How can the media influence people? Related headlines: 1.“Other pundits who talked themselves out of a job” 2.“Sky Sports' Richard Keys and Andy Gray in 'sexist rant' at Karren Brady and female linesman” 3.“He’s fat! He’s round! He watched it in his lounge! Andy Gray...”
Guess the missing words... “Baby Peter Killer says ___ _________ me” “Schoolgirl goes missing after converting to _____” “_______ faith schools cause __________...say teachers” “_____ says condoms are not the solution to ____” Have I Got News for You
Guess the missing words... “Baby Peter Killer says God forgives me” “Schoolgirl goes missing after converting to Islam” “Muslim faith schools cause segregation...say teachers” “Pope says condoms are not the solution to AIDS” Have I Got News for You
Religion in the Soaps! Who knows about the following characters and their connection to religion? Are they portrayed in a negative or positive light?
How does the media present religion in modern times? Using what we have looked at today write a few paragraphs to answer the question (at least half a page) Include: Examples of how religion is presented (TV/papers etc) Extension: Try to include ways that the media can influence people any why it might be important for the media to be careful how it presents religion Brain Time
Don’t forget?!
Plenary Things I have learnt are... Things I enjoyed were... Question I would ask is...