In this presentation several examples of awareness building material are shown – Please discuss for each: What is the strategy in this campaign: educational, social, marketing? Is it meant to have high or low outreach; high or low impact; simple or complex content; high or low influence? In your view is it likely to reach the objectives What additional activities would you suggest? Discussion Awareness Building
Netherlands The blue shaft moves up and down with groundwater table The text explains that if groundwater levels drop too much this will be harmful for environment and water storage Approximately 12 such meter were installed along popular footpaths in the country Groundwater Level Meter
Interactive Educational Program Spain A fully animated interactive program was prepared showing the journey of a small waterdrop through the water cycle and especially through the aquifers This CD was distributed to a large number of highschools in Spain
Asian Development Bank The ADB commisioned seven 22-minutes videos in its Water for All program. The video are available in broadcasting and non-broadcasting format. The non- broadcasting videos could be ordered on DVD against a small payment. The videos show case studies of people dealing with local water issues in urban neighbourhoods, rural areas, small islands. Some video shows were organized locally. Video Documentaries
Posters - 1 India After the Congress Party won the election of 2004 (on a ticket of free power supply). The newly elected government decided to implement the new Water Law. 80,000 posters were printed with the image of the new Chief Minister and the Minister for Rural Development, explaining the basic principles of the new Water Law.
Posters - 2 Spain When the Spanish Hydro-Geological Survey celebrated its 150 years of existence a series of four educational posters were made, explaining the basics of groundwater and the dangers of contamination.
Bus Paintings India Large parts of Andhra Pradesh went through a severe water crisis from To create awareness on the water scarcity and to encourage people to take steps the Government had advertisements painted on public busses, plying in rural areas.
India Local cultural shows (kalajatra) were organized in villages in Andhra Pradesh – carrying messages of groundwater shortage. A special theatre group was engaged for this purpose. The shows also served to introduce a program of ‘participatory monitoring’ – i.e. monitoring of groundwater levels by villages themselves, followed by local water management planning. Cultural Events
Awareness sessions India After a training a large number of NGO’s engaged in a one day session to discuss water problems and the possibility of using water law or making local rules. All in all 20,000 persons attended the trainings The training was reported in local newspapers
Card game USA The Groundwater Foundation of the USA published a pack with 24 ‘trading’ cards – each card containing a crisp water message. The cards can be ordered through their mail-order service