LIMPOPO 1 Youth in Agriculture Business Seminar
1. Background 2 Dinoko Tsa Serala Events and Exhibitions; an events, exhibitions and conference management company; would like to host annual project called Youth in Agriculture Business Seminar. Youth In Agriculture Business Seminar is a project that aims to get 100 selected youth in the Capricorn District of Limpopo who are interested in Agriculture or operating in the sector. We want to bring in one place government departments and agencies, the private sector, NGO working on Food Security, Agricultural scientists, Academics and Researchers to engage on capacitating youth business to be sustainable.
2. Aims and Objectives 3 To unearth new emerging young farmers in the province To provide a platform for training and workshops in areas of finance, access to markets, packaging and acquisition of land To showcase opportunities and untapped markets in agricultural sector. To motivate young people to pursue their entrepreneurial endeavour in this sector To showcase young people in the sector that are doing very well to inspire as well as offer mentoring to the new once
3. Why Agriculture? 4 African Union declared the year 2014 as the Year of Agriculture and Food Security and it further noted that “for most countries agriculture constitutes indeed the battle against poverty and hunger for which we can win with economic sustainability of agriculture investment.” The sector contributes to job creation especially for semi- skilled labour in rural communities It has a potential of being a great contributor to economic growth in the province; currently being 7.5% to the provincial GDP
4. Critical Success Factors 5 The project will be successful with support of the following entities: Limpopo Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Land Administration University of Limpopo’s Department of Agriculture LEDA, NYDA, Land Bank and SEDA Private companies with an interest in Agriculture e.g. ZZ2, Limpopo Dairies, Progress Milling, Shoprite etc Research institutions such Agricultural Research Council and Council for Scientific and Indistrial Research
5. Target Market 6 Young entrepreneurs interested in Agriculture Graduates in Agriculture Emerging Youth Farmers Established Youth Farmers
6. Date Place and Time 7 Date: 25 July 2014 Venue: Capricorn FET College; Polokwane Time: 8:30 till 4:00 Dress Code: Smart Formal
7. Marketing 8 We will approach Thobela fm as a radio sponsor Polokwane Observer and Farmers Weekly for print media Social Media will also be used Our website and provincial and regional offices of agriculture and NYDA will be used for registration
8. Conclusion 9 Attached is a program for the day We will have a database of those who participated and will have follow-up programs like mentorship etc We will work together with the provincial department of Agriculture and other stakeholders to help monitor progress; make reviews and make recommendations
9. Contacts 10 Mamonare Kgopa; Managing Director: DTS Events and Exhibitions Contact number: / Maribe Marokane; Operations Manager: DTS Events and Exhibitions Contact number: House no 9721 Nepal Street Cosmo City Randburg 2128