1 International Labour Office S ocial protection floor initiative Second Inter-agency Technical Meeting ILO Geneva, 22 November 2010 Lead agencies: ILO, WHO Cooperating agencies: UNICEF, UNDP, UNESCO, FAO, IMF, OHCHR, UNAIDS, UNFPA, UN-HABITAT, UNDESA, UNHCR, UNODC, UNRWA, WFP, WMO, WB, UN regional commissions,
2 International Labour Office Structure of the presentation One:Content reminder – UN CEB (Delivering as One) Two:What has been done so far? Substance/process Three: Where do we want to go in the next 12 months and beyond? Four:What do we expect from the meeting
3 International Labour Office One: What is the Social Protection Floor (SPF)–Initiative?.. The SPF Initiative aims at joint global and local UN action to promote access to essential services and social transfers for the poor and vulnerable. It includes: – A basic set of essential social rights and transfers, in cash and in kind, to provide a minimum income and livelihood security for poor and vulnerable populations and to facilitate access to essential services, such as health care – Geographical and financial access to essential services, such as health, water and sanitation, education, social work
4 International Labour Office Implicit agreement on a development policy paradigm: “Growing with equity” …that could look as follows… The virtuous cycle of development SPF Investments Schooling/Training Health Employable Employed in formal sector and paying taxes Higher levels of Social Protection
5 International Labour Office 5 Pragmatic principles for country operations Country ownership, SPF response only on request Co-ordinated by UN Country Director/UN Resident Co- ordinator Technical leadership by one or more agencies depending on country presence and nature of the request Building of Joint UN/country taskforces Open invitation to all participating agencies and development partners to co-operate
6 International Labour Office Who participates in the SPF-I? The Inititiave is be owned by national stakeholders, including governments (ministries of labour, health, finance, agriculture etc.), social partners and national NGOs, etc. with support of : UN agencies such as ILO, WHO, FAO, IMF, OHCHR, UN Regional Commissions, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNDPSSCU, UNDESA, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNHABITAT, UNHCR, UNODC, UNRWA, WFP, WMO, other international organizations such as World Bank and Regional Development Banks, Development partners such as bilateral and multilateral agencies, DFID, GTZ, MFA Finland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Brazil, ADB, OECD and International NGOs like ICSW, HelpAge International, Save the Children, Education Solidarity Network
7 International Labour Office 7 Two: What has been done so far? 10 Things… One: MANUAL for country operations established Two: Global Advisory Network constituted Three: Advocacy at global, regional, national levels => e.g. Global Jobs Pact, UNCSocD RESOLUTION, UN Millennium Summit Four:Methodology for rapid SPF assessments is being applied Five:South-South exchange on SPF started Six:several country activities started
8 International Labour Office 8 Continued: What has been done so far? Seven: Training programme for national planners at ITC is operational, joint UNICEF- ILO rapid costing tool finalised and training on its use is commencing Eight: Global advisory Group established under chair-personship of Ms. Michelle Bachelet Nine :technical dialogue with IMF on fiscal space to commence Ten:African regional Summit in October 2010 endorsed the two dimensional SP extension strategy and the SP Floor concept
9 International Labour Office Three: What next in the coming months … in the next 12 months Consolidation of the SPF concept as development paradigm, Build on UN system mechanisms, GA, ECOSOC, UNDG (MDG acceleration frame, human rights mechansim) Support the G20 process (France), and the SPF Advisory group report SOUTH SOUTH learning dialogue to intensify Country projects to be undertaken, i.e. UNDAFs Fundraising to be identified, MDTF, Bi Multilaterals ? and beyond… Concept to be anchored in official institutional strategies of the UN organizations, Major campaign to defend minimum national social floor budgets in a globalised economy Promotion of a UN instrument, support regional initiatives
10 International Labour Office Four: What do we expect from the meeting? Consolidation of the concept: The SPF Advisory Group report, Agency specific reports Update of agency activities and identification of further co-operation projects, regional level More concrete proposals on Modus Operandi in county operations and on joint Capacity Building activities Methodology of the monitoring of progress and concretely … A workplan for the next 12 Months…