Cross-Harbor Cable Car


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Presentation transcript:

Cross-Harbor Cable Car 6. Future Industrial Development Planning Establishment of Cijin as an island of sustainability (tourism) Construction of Seaside Protection & Recreational Facilities Construction of Tropical Ocean Park Improvement in Access Traffic & Sustainable Transportation Seaside Cable Car & Cross-Harbor Cable Car Kaohsiung Lighthouse Ferry Station Cijin Tianhou Temple Cihou Fort Miaocian Road (Seafood Street) Cross-Harbor Cable Car Resort Hotel Starlight Tunnel Bicycle Path Sunshine Boulevard Cijin Beach Water Plaza Artificial Island Seaside Park

6. Future Industrial Development Planning Southern Kaohsiung: Logistics Industry & Free Trade Zone Add values and expand Free Trade Zone in the Port of Kaohsiung Promote renovation and regeneration of Kaohsiung Linhai Industrial Park Move Kaohsiung International Airport to the designated offshore site, and redevelop the former site Plan to extend the MRT Red Line southward to Southern International Airport Improve the access traffic Wharfs No. 30~39 Container Terminal No. 1 Container Terminal No. 2 Container Terminal No. 3 Container Terminal No. 4 Container Terminal No. 5 Container Terminal No. 6 Tang Rong Special Warehouse Zone International Container Center: 2nd Phase Southern International Airport Kaohsiung International Airport Redevelopment of Linhai Industrial Park

6. Future Industrial Development Planning Logistics Industry & Free Trade Zone 海空雙港區域運籌型自由港區 w 加工 倉儲物流 轉運 貿易 金融 海空聯運、商貿會展、運籌管理中心 加值 / 物流整合型自由港區 港埠轉運 倉儲 物流 海空 雙港 長 程 發 展 定 位 中 物流型自由港區 簡易 短 製造 製造研發 轉運物流 彰濱 FTZ 台中港 工業區 ( ) 高雄港 加工區 中科台中 核心技術 小港 南星 機場 科學 園區 中科雲林 麥寮 中心 『 + 』 整合型自 由港區 海空雙港區域運籌中心 二櫃特 倉區 物流型倉儲區 二櫃

7. Comfortable Living Environment Convenient Traffic Network High Speed Rail An average of only 1.5 hours from Kaohsiung to Taipei, and vice versa Expressway North - South: Sun Yet-sen Expressway & National Expressway No. 2 East - West: Freeway No. 10 Kaohsiung MRT - A cross network of Red Line & Orange Line High Speed Rail Expressway

7. Comfortable Living Environment Hanshin Arena Convenient to Go Shopping Department Store A total of nine department stores, including Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, Pacific Ocean SOGO, and Hanshin Arena. Shopping Mall Dream Mall (the largest shopping mall in Southeast Asia), Costco, IKEA, Carrefour, etc. Dream Mall

7. Comfortable Living Environment Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts Kaohsiung City Music Hall Kaohsiung Film Archive Kaohsiung Cultural Center National Science and Technology Museum Kaohsiung Museum of History Cultural & Artistic Centers Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts Kaohsiung Music Center Kaohsiung Municipal Social Education Center Kaohsiung Film Archive Kaohsiung Astronomical Museum Kaohsiung Museum of History Kaohsiung Business Exhibition Center National Science and Technology Museum Kaohsiung Cultural Center

7. Comfortable Living Environment Kaohsiung Japanese School Education Bilingual Experimental Class Internationalized and diversified education The admission screening is similar to that of the gifted class International Schools Kaohsiung American School Morrison Academy Kaohsiung Campus Kaohsiung Japanese School Kaohsiung Korean School Dominican Primary School KIVAM Junior High School Nationally reputed high schools Kaohsiung American School

7. Comfortable Living Environment Lianchihtan Cijin Seaside Park Love River British Consulate at Takao Sizihwan Tourism Love River Sizihwan Bay Lianchihtan Urban Spotlight Former British Consulate at Dagou Cijin Seaside Park

Welcome Investment in Kaohsiung 8. Conclusions Welcome Investment in Kaohsiung For information: Kaohsiung’s One-Stop Center For Investment Services TEL : 886-7-3329468 e-Mail :