Government Budgets Economic Mixed Bag Gov’t Revenues Business and Labor Executive Departments
-This is the economic term for the money that is received? Row Question
-revenue Row Answer
-Name the economic term for the money that is spent? Row Question
-expenditures Row Answer
-What term describes the process of spending more money than you have? Row Question
-deficit spending Row Answer
-This term is used to describe the large amount of money the government borrows each year when they spend more than they received? Row Question
-national debt Row Answer
-Name the concept that in North Carolina, governments can not spend more money than it has received? Row Question
-balanced budget Row Answer
-This is the term for a year period of time in respect to a government or business budget? Row Question
-fiscal year Row Answer
-This is the idea that there is not enough of a product for everyone to have and this fact causes goods to have a value. Row Question
-scarcity Row Answer
Row Question -Situation when demand is greater than the supply of a product---price will usually increase?
-shortage Row Answer
Row Question -Situation when supply is greater than demand---price will usually decrease?
-surplus Row Answer
-Term describing the situation when one nation produces a product better or cheaper than other nations? Row Question
-comparative advantage Row Answer
-This is a type of tax that is based on the ability of a person to pay and people who make more money should pay a greater percentage? Row Question
-progressive Row Answer
-Type of tax that is paid on an equal percentage by everyone-- -can be unfair to those with less of a disposable income? Row Question
-regressive Row Answer
-Tax that is based on the money one earns and this tax is usually progressive? Row Question
-income tax Row Answer
-Which tax is placed upon certain items such as gas, alcohol, and cigarettes? Row Question
-excise tax Row Answer
-Tax rate that is placed upon certain items as they are imported into the nation? Row Question
-tariffs Row Answer
-What group coordinates the government’s response to natural disasters? Row Question
-FEMA Row Answer
-This agency inspects visitors and goods as they enter the nation? Row Question
-Customs Row Answer
-This agency protects the President, VP, and other important officials? Row Question
-Secret Service Row Answer
-This newest department oversees the security of Americans in the aftermath of the 9-11 terrorist attacks? Row Question
-Homeland Security Row Answer
-What is the VA? Row Question
-Veteran’s Administration Row Answer
-Name for two or more businesses becoming one larger business? Row Question
-merger Row Answer
-This occurs when government begins a general period of fewer restrictions governing a type of business? Row Question
-deregulation Row Answer
-This is a process where workers join together and make demands as a larger group in order to gain leverage with their employers. Row Question
-collective bargaining Row Answer
-Name this process where two groups within a dispute try to use a third party to give a suggested solution to their problem? Row Question
-mediation Row Answer
-This is a process where two groups within a dispute go to a third party who is given legal binding authority to decide the issue? Row Question
-arbitration Row Answer