Overview of current social dialogue agenda in Lithuania food industry sector and the main issues and challenges
Social dialogue National authorities Employers and employers’ organizations Trade union of Lithuanian food producers has representatives in national tripartite body and five regional tripartite bodies. Employees and trade unions
Main problems: Collective agreements are signed just in local level (companies). Collective agreements are signed just in local level (companies). Employers associations avoid commitments on employment - there are no sectoral agreements. Employers associations avoid commitments on employment - there are no sectoral agreements. Most of all trade union representatives work on a voluntary basis. Most of all trade union representatives work on a voluntary basis. Traditions of information – consultation are still being formed. Traditions of information – consultation are still being formed. There is not enough trade unions’ pressure in some sectors. There is not enough trade unions’ pressure in some sectors. There is no real capabilities of strike. There is no real capabilities of strike. Trade unions have not enough sufficiently qualified staff because of lack of financial resources. Trade unions have not enough sufficiently qualified staff because of lack of financial resources. Different experience of social partners', different capabilities of negotiation, preparation, access of expertise. Different experience of social partners', different capabilities of negotiation, preparation, access of expertise.
Sectoral employers’ organizations: Asociation “Lithuanian food industry” Lithuanian Brewers' Guild Association of Lithuanian milk producers “Dairy center” Association “Sugar” Association of Lithuanian meat processing business
Possibilities for sectoral social dialogue in Lithuania Trade union of Lithuanian food producers represent employees from 8 sectors: 1) Bread – 2 companies; 2) Dairy – 4 companies; 3) Sweets – 3 companies; 4) Beverages – 3 companies; 5) Beer – 3 companies; 6) Fish products – 2 companies; 7) Tobacco – 1 company.
There is a theoretical possibility to sign sectoral agreements in these sectors, but, as it was mentioned in the slide “Problems” – employers associations do not see requirements of such agreements (avoiding of commitments).
Also Lithuanian Government declared, that it seeks to regulate labour relations less and to hand over the regulation of many questions to the agreements between social partners. But it remains just future objective yet.
THUS, TODAY WE HAVE: National agreements (1995, 1999, 2005,2009 m. ) Plans for the development of social partnership (certified by Lithuanian Government) Tripartite bodies in major cities, alongside the social insurance, Work inspection, Labour exchange. Commissions for labour relations, payment and others near the Tripartite Council of Lithuania.