Tibia, Fibula, Ankle and Foot
Joke of the Day:
Interesting Facts Many people have one foot larger than the other, so it’s best to fit the larger one while standing. A human foot & ankle contains 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 muscles, tendons & ligaments. Tibia is actually a bone of lower leg, also known as shin bone. After Femur, Tibia is the longest bone in humans. The fibula is also called the calfbone The fibula bear 6.5% of the body weight
1.Head 2.Medial tibial condyle 3.Lateral tibial condyle 4.Tuberosity 5.Crest 6.Interosseous border 7.Medial malleolus 8.Lateral malleolus 9.Intercondylar eminance 10. Femoral condyle 11.Talus Tibia/Fibula “Fragile” Fibula)(“Tough” Tibia Right Anterior
1.Calcaneus 2.Talus 3.Navicular 4.Medial cuneiform 5.Intermediate cuneiform 6.Lateral cuneiform 7.Cuboid 8.First metatarsal 9 & 10. Phalanges Ankle/ Foot Right Superior
Memory Mneumonic – “Targeting the Tarsals” Cal = Calcaneus 1 Told = Talus 2 Nora = Navicular 3 Milk = Medial Cuneiform 4 Is = Intermediate Cuneiform 5 Like = Lateral Cuneiform 6 Cream = Cuboid