h.njamba@cigar.org, Skype: njamba.kimani African Chicken Genetic Gains Morogoro Tanzania 4th – 8th April 2016 By Harrison Njamba h.njamba@cigar.org, Skype: njamba.kimani There MUST be a CGIAR logo or a CRP logo. You can copy and paste the logo you need from the final slide of this presentation. Then you can delete that final slide To replace a photo above, copy and paste this link in your browser: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilri/sets/72157632057087650/detail/ Find a photo you like and the right size, copy and paste it in the block above.
Session Objectives Be able to operate a mobile device to administer a questionnaire and / or collect data Be able to ensure data quality checks during collection of the data and after collecting data Use mobile device to collect different types of data including text, date, choices, GPS data/ GIS Data etc Upload / Send collected data to a data aggregation server
Old Research Rooms - Good experience with paper
Why Mobile Data Collection? Simple Secure Flexible Smart
ODK – Open Data Kit Using ODK (Open Data Kit) for this data collection Open Data Kit (ODK) is a free and open-source set of tools which help organizations create mobile data collection solutions. Developed by University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering in 2009. It is an App that runs on Android devices from Ver. 2.3
Processing json data files to MySQL ODK Data Collection & Processing 2 ILRI Cloud Servers Aggregation Server MySQL Server 1 Design XLS compatible forms 6 Download json data 3 8 MySQL Upload ODK Collect 5 MySQL Helped with a SurveyCTO –based architecture Advantages: Centralized architecture, Data accessible, avoided storing data on local computers Data Users 7 Processing json data files to MySQL 4
Mobile data collection Paper Questionnaire. Open Data Kit App ONA / Formhub Server Tablets Enumerators Data Processing Few hundred questions NBS, ODK preference WESTAT Started coordinating from DC, problems, only when we got there Committed to ODK in the contract
ODK Architecture ODK is composed of the following tools: Build or XLSForm - to design your survey form. ODK Collect - running on an Android device to download and fill-in the survey. Aggregation Server - for hosting the survey form and gathering the survey results (Formhub / ONA).
What Android device should I use? ODK Collect will run on most Android devices running android 2.3+ or higher: Examples: Smartphones Tablets Netbooks
DATA TYPES AVAILABLE IN ODK DESIGNING A FORM IN ODK DATA TYPES AVAILABLE IN ODK Note Text Integer Decimal Select_one Select_multiple Date / Time Geopoint Image Barcode Calculation Metadata
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Turn on your tablet and open ODK Collect from the following icon.
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Main ODK Collect screen Get Blank Form Download questionnaire to tablet Fill Blank Form Main activity of enumerators Edit Saved Form Review of the questionnaire Send Finalized Form Upload the collected data Delete Saved Form Delete any form from device / tablet
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Get blank form Download form to tablet from ILRI Cloud server Shows list of available forms that can be downloaded ACGG On Station BIRD REGISTRATION ACGG On Station EXPERIMENTAL PEN REGISTRATION ACGG On Station BIRD EXIT Etc.
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Fill blank form Shows list of available forms in the tablet Select the form you want to use at that time to collect data ACGG On Station BIRD REGISTRATION ACGG On Station EXPERIMENTAL PEN REGISTRATION ACGG On Station BIRD EXIT Etc.
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Working with the device Swipe forward and back to move from page to page Or forward and back buttons at bottom Questions follow as in the data sheet Arranged according to their relationship
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Data Types and Widgets Note and Text Note is a string which is not editable. Used for instructions and titles. Text is a string widget which is editable. Can accept different types of entries. Not used for calculations.
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Data Types and Widgets Select One Allows to select only one item in the list. Used for choices which display a name but saves a value in the background.
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Design and Question Types Filtering Used to reduce selection and force specific selection of items E.g. When you select a specific Country (Tanzania) only the Testing Stations in Tanzania will appear. Then when you select testing station only the pens in that station will appear
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Data Types and Widgets Integer and Decimal Widgets that accepts numerics. Shows a numeric pad Integer does not have decimal points Decimal has decimal points.
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Design, Question Types, Pages and Loops Grouping, pages and organization Pages used to group related items together for better understanding of the data being collected and its relationship E.g. Data about one chick while exiting appears in the same page Some questions are organized differently from the way they appear in the data sheet for better usability in tablets but it is intuitive
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Design, Question Types, Pages and Loops Required questions Questions that you cannot skip. They are automatically enforced to be entered If you try to move to the next page without answering a message is displayed saying the question is required
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Design, Question Types, Pages and Loops Skip management questions Used to jump off some questions which are not applicable E.g. Have any birds exited today? If Yes how many birds exited and you are expected to enter the tag numbers of exited birds.
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Design, Question Types, Pages and Loops Loops – Specified loops and open loops Loops are used to enter the same repeated data more than once E.g. When registering birds into the brooding pen with thirty birds the same questions repeated thirty times Loops controlled by asking a control question first e.g. How many birds of this strain are in this pen? Uncontrolled loop where the number of times is not pre-known. Asks to add a group
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Design, Question Types, Pages and Loops Other Specify Used when in the options there is an option of other Text box next to the question for specifying The question is not enforced but advised to enter it when the option is other
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Data Types and Widgets Select Multiple Allows to select multiple items. Can select more than one item Used for choices which display a name but saves a value in the background.
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Data Types and Widgets Labeled Select Matrix Selection where a number of questions have the same choices Also saves a value in the background
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Data Types and Widgets Date and Time Used to select a date or time entry Controls entering a valid date or time
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Data Types and Widgets Geo Point Used to collect GPS location GPS might not work when you try to collect when indoors
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Data Types and Widgets Image Used to take pictures which is linked with the data Uses the device camera to take the picture Bird tags picture while doing registration for counter checking
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Data Types and Widgets Barcode Used to read bar codes and translate into the actual number Provides a button like the picture or GPS but only reads bar codes
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Data Types and Widgets Calculation and Metadata Calculation is used to do a calculation based on previous entries e.g. calculating the number of loops when there are birds that have exited Metadata used to collect and store background information e.g. device information, date, start time and end time
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Finalising, Editing and Sending Finalised Finalising form Finalising means setting the questionnaire as finished Option at the end of the questionnaire Used for setting the questionnaire as ready for sending to cloud server Do not finalise immediately as it allows to do any editing required
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Finalising, Editing and Sending Finalised Editing Unfinalised forms appear in the editing button Can choose the questionnaire and edit it to make changes Should be done when reviewing your entries on any issues Can choose the question to move to while editing
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Finalising, Editing and Sending Finalised Delete Saved Form Allows deleting any form within the tablet Can delete saved forms or blank forms Do not use this button you will loose any data on blank forms
COLLECTING AND SENDING DATA Finalizing, Editing and Sending Finalised Send finalized form Used to upload a form to the cloud after it has been finished, edited and finalized Please Note : After sending you cannot edit the form and resend To send a finalized form you must have internet connection via WiFi or a data plan Select the forms to send and press “Send Selected”
Testing Data Collection Get Blank Form ACGG On Farm XXXX ACGG On Farm Household Registration ACGG On Farm Household Labour ACGG On Farm Bird Registration etc Fill Blank Form Tags to use S201 toS205, S206 – S210, Etc. Note : Country, Sub National Area, Village, Name of Data Collector, Householder Name
Longitudinal And Related Data Data collected at one point related to the other Recruited farmers are the only ones visible in the list and within their villages Tagged birds can exit Test exiting birds using the same choices earlier used Get blank form to update longitudinal data in tablets
Issues To Note / Resolve Counter check if list of enumerators in each country is correct Get list of all recruited farmers Make sure internet connection when performing internet based activity e.g. Sending forms, updating lists etc. Forms will change when data sheets finalized & after solving some issues Delete current forms and Get blank forms. Will do with SNC.