UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO Barbara D. Petty CALS Associate Dean/Director of Extension
Teaching Outreach Research UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO
Aim: Suggest and influence change that addresses societal needs and global issues, and advances economic development and culture. GOAL 2: ENGAGE OUTREACH THAT INSPIRES INNOVATION AND CULTURE
Research useful beyond the academic community Enables learning to occur outside the classroom Encourages the creation and dissemination of knowledge Directly benefits the public. THROUGH OUTREACH THE UNIVERSITY MAKES:
Coeur d’Alene, Boise, Idaho Falls UI Extension Distance Education Service Learning Cooperative education – internships and externships Technology transfer Professional service UI OUTREACH
Morrill Act Hatch Act Smith-Lever Act – 1914 Idaho’s Extension Agents – 1913 WHY WAS UI EXTENSION CREATED?
University of Idaho Extension improves people’s lives by… …engaging the University and our communities through research based education. Our areas of expertise are Agriculture, Community Development, Family and Consumer Sciences, Natural Resources and Youth Development
STATEWIDE PRESENCE 42 County Extension Offices 3 Indian Reservation Offices 9 Research and Extension Centers
UI EXTENSION Faculty positions 64 Extension educators 15 Area Extension educators 48 Specialists 7 Administrators 60 Program Coordinators and Extension Associates
UI EXTENSION 338,261 direct teaching contacts 499,574 web sessions 47 peer-reviewed Extension publications 39 articles published in professional and scientific journals
SPEED DATING Dan Cordon, College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Delphine Keim, College of Art and Architecture, Department of Art and Design, Lisette Waits, College of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences, Mark Warner, College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences, Department of Sociology and Anthropology,
SPEED DATING Jim Lindstrom, Director of UI Extension 4-H, Cinda Williams, Area Educator Educator/Community Food Systems, Ed Bechinski, Professor of Entomology/Extension Specialists, Shelly Johnson, Extension Educator, Kootenai County/Health and Nutrition,
Distribute yourselves throughout the room Change tables when you hear the bell Visit every table Reassemble as a group visiting every table for closing comments SPEED DATING