Back to School Mrs. Isaacson Room 10
I have been teaching for 29 years in many capacities: sixth grade, reading intervention, & instructional coaching. But 2 nd grade is my very favorite! I have been teaching for 29 years in many capacities: sixth grade, reading intervention, & instructional coaching. But 2 nd grade is my very favorite! I have four children, and all their names begin with the letter “K”. I have four children, and all their names begin with the letter “K”. Reading, scrapbooking, doing crafts, and watching sporting events are some of my Reading, scrapbooking, doing crafts, and watching sporting events are some of my favorite things to do.
8:401 st bell rings 8:50Late bell rings, school begins 10:00 – 10:15 Morning recess 11:15 – 12:00 2 nd grade lunch & recess 1:55 – 2:10 Afternoon recess 3:25 School dismissed (Mon.-Thurs.) School is dismissed at 1:25 on Fridays. School is dismissed at 1:25 on Fridays.
Ms. Fredericks – Principal Ms. Fredericks – Principal Mrs. Moon – Administrative Intern Mrs. Moon – Administrative Intern Mrs. Larsen – Secretary Mrs. Larsen – Secretary Mr. Gorringe – Custodian Mr. Gorringe – Custodian Mrs. Preston – Librarian Mrs. Preston – Librarian Mrs. Lake – Computer Prep-Time Teacher Mrs. Lake – Computer Prep-Time Teacher Mrs. Cagle – P.E. Prep-Time Teacher Mrs. Cagle – P.E. Prep-Time Teacher Mrs. Gray – Music & Art Prep-Time Teacher Mrs. Gray – Music & Art Prep-Time Teacher Other 2 nd Grade teachers: Other 2 nd Grade teachers: Mrs. Handy, Mrs. Osborne, Mrs. Garner, and Mrs. Handy, Mrs. Osborne, Mrs. Garner, and Mrs. DeVries & Mrs. Chang (Chinese Immersion) Mrs. DeVries & Mrs. Chang (Chinese Immersion) School Personnel
Bee a good listener. Bee a good listener. Bee quick to follow directions. Bee quick to follow directions. Bee a quiet worker. Don’t disturb others. Bee a quiet worker. Don’t disturb others. Bee kind with your words and actions. Bee kind with your words and actions. Bee respectful of school and personal property. Bee respectful of school and personal property. Bee safe as you work and play. Bee safe as you work and play.
Grading is done on a rubric, just as the district DESK report card is. However, I mark their papers with a plus sign (+), a check mark ( ), or a minus (-) sign as an easy-to-understand visual reminder. 85 – 100% = + 85 – 100% = + 70 – 84% = 70 – 84% = 69% and below = - 69% and below = -
Every Monday, a homework packet consisting of a reading passage with questions and math review pages will be sent home. Your child needs to complete it and return it to me by Friday of the same week. Not only does completing the homework packet help review important concepts, but it also teaches your child the importance of responsibility and completing work. Every Monday, a homework packet consisting of a reading passage with questions and math review pages will be sent home. Your child needs to complete it and return it to me by Friday of the same week. Not only does completing the homework packet help review important concepts, but it also teaches your child the importance of responsibility and completing work. The weekly spelling list is also attached to the packet. You and your child may use this to practice the words at home for the spelling test on Friday. The weekly spelling list is also attached to the packet. You and your child may use this to practice the words at home for the spelling test on Friday.
We will be learning these things (and lots more!): Types of sentences Types of sentences Parts of a sentence Parts of a sentence Friendly letter writing Friendly letter writing Informative paragraphs Informative paragraphs Persuasive writing Persuasive writing Possessive nouns Possessive nouns Common and proper nouns Common and proper nouns Plural nouns Plural nouns Adjectives Adjectives Verbs Verbs Contractions Contractions
Reading skills & strategies we’ll be emphasizing: main idea and details main idea and details parts of a story parts of a story comparing and contrasting comparing and contrasting sequencing and transition words sequencing and transition words summarizing summarizing predicting outcomes predicting outcomes inferencing inferencing fact and opinion fact and opinion reading genres reading genres fluency fluency
Areas we will be focusing on are: Numbers and operations Numbers and operations Mental strategies for addition & subtraction Mental strategies for addition & subtraction Place Value Place Value Measurement Measurement Time Time Money Money Graphing data Graphing data Fractions Fractions Geometric shapes Geometric shapes
Some of the areas we will be studying are: Weather Weather Moon and Stars Moon and Stars Rocks Rocks Gravity Gravity Living Things Living Things
You are a welcome presence in the classroom. If you’d like to volunteer on a regular basis or even just once or twice a year, please fill out a volunteer form in our classroom at our Back- to-School Open House and give to Mrs. Isaacson. There are opportunities to listen to students read, help them with their math facts, supervise our class store, or help with class parties. We appreciate your help! We appreciate your help!
We already have pencil boxes, crayons, and colored pencils for each student in our class, but it is important to have a backpack or bag to bring papers home in every night. We use lots & lots of supplies in 2 nd grade, so it would be very appreciated if every child could donate these items: 8 – 10 small gluesticks 8 – 10 small gluesticks a 4 oz. bottle of Elmer’s Glue a 4 oz. bottle of Elmer’s Glue a regular box of tissues a regular box of tissues a roll of paper towels a roll of paper towels
Fun Friday – Every Friday, each student who has completed their work in class and returned their homework will get to participate in a “Fun Friday” reward activity. Star of the Week – Each child will have the opportunity to be the Star of the week. A paper will be sent home the week before, along with a posterboard to decorate about themselves. They’ll share their poster the following Monday and it will be on display in our classroom during the week. Birthdays – You are welcome (but not required!) to send a small treat for the class on your child’s birthday. In keeping with district policy, it must be store-bought. We will celebrate district policy, it must be store-bought. We will celebrate summer birthdays on the child’s half-birthday (June summer birthdays on the child’s half-birthday (June birthdays in December, July in January, & August in birthdays in December, July in January, & August in February.) February.)
Communication is the key to a successful school year. We’re all in this together – parents, teachers, and administrators working together to help your child reach their full potential. It’s going to be a great year! Mrs. Isaacson’s Syracuse Elementary phone: