Fruit Ninja Magic!
The target market that we are going for is for young kids and the cereal is fruit ninja! why we chose fruit ninja. fruit ninja is a very popular apple game that appeals to kids of a young age
Where we are going to put the market in and how many places we are going to put it in their are arund 1417 grocery stores in Utah and we are planing on putting on as many shelves as we can to make our product known.
our cereal will have a toy in it. why? cause the cereal growth is going down and the cost for a toy is just a little more. but with this little cost an advertisement will go out thrpugh kids talking to kids about the toy they got.
the price of our product our price will be in the midde of all the others so the price can appeal to everyone. through this we will have a big audience to were we can sell our product.