Where do electrons live again? In orbitals (or clouds) around the nucleus.
What is an orbital? The area that you are most likely to find an electron.
What are the shapes of the orbitals? s - spherical p - dumbbell d – clover leaf f - too complicated
Can we draw atoms with the modern theory? Not really, we just tell what energy level they are in, which shape orbital and how many electrons are there.
What rules do I use to fill the orbitals? Aufbau’s Rule Pauli Exclusion Principle Hund Rule
What is the Aufbau Rule? You must fill the electrons in a certain order The lowest energy levels are first
How do I show an energy level? A number 1-7 Written first 2s 2 4d 8
Where do I start? You always start with the beginning of the periodic table, with the 1 st energy level
What order do I use? Follow the periodic table
What is the Pauli Exclusion Principle? Orbitals hold 2 electrons each Each shape has different numbers of electrons The two electrons in each orbital spin in opposite directions
How many of each orbital are there? s – 1 p – 3 d – 5 f - 7 spdfspdf
How do I show one orbital? A line
How do I show an electron? As an arrow
Why as an arrow? So you can show it spinning in the different directions
How many arrows per line? 2
What is Hund’s Rule? You have to spread out the electrons before you can double them up
Are the arrows and orbitals always necessary? Not in electron configurations.
What do you put instead? The number of electrons in that orbital.
So why are there only 8 valence electrons in an octet? Only the s and p orbitals are valence shells.
What is a ground state electron? An electron with its “normal” amount of energy.
What happens when an electron gets excited? It jumps energy levels and emits a photon.
What is a photon? A quanta (bundle) of light from the electromagnetic spectrum that acts like a particle.
What is this light that is emitted called? The electron emission spectrum. Each element has its very own color it emits.
What is a compound? It is 2 or more elements chemically combined together.
How do I read compounds? They tell you the elements present and how many of that element
What number is not written? 1
What do I do with parentheses? The number at the END gets distributed through the parentheses.
Examples: MgCl 2 NaC 2 H 3 O 2 Sc 3 (PO 4 ) 2
What happens to valence electrons? They are bonded to other atoms to make octets
What are the two types of bonds? Ionic and Covalent
What is an ionic bond? Made up of a cation and an anion (metal and a nonmetal)
What happens to the valence electrons? They are stolen by the non metal from the metals
Try to draw this ionic bond: SrO
Try to draw this ionic bond: Na 2 S
Try to draw this ionic bond: AlP
Try to draw this ionic bond: GaCl 3
Try to draw this ionic bond:
What is a covalent bond? Made up of two non metals
What happens to the electrons in a covalent bond? The electrons are shared between atoms to make octets
What are the properties of ionic bonds? Conduct electricity High melting points High boiling points Break along set lines Strong bonds
What are the properties of covalent bonds? Weak bonds Low melting points Low boiling points Shatter when broken Do not conduct electricity
How do I draw ionic bonds? With Lewis Dot diagrams
What do you do with them? Write the Lewis Dots, but show the transfer of electrons and charges.
How can I draw covalent bonds? Lewis dot diagrams and their shapes
How many electrons can be shared? 2, 4 or 6 electrons to have a full octet
How do I show 2 shared electrons? A line Called a single bond
What about a double bond? Sharing 4 electrons 2 lines
And a triple bond? 6 electrons 3 lines
What is a lone pair? Electrons that are in an octet, but do not bond with anything
What are the shapes of the covalent bonds? Linear Trigonal planar Tetrahedral Pyramidal Bent
What is a linear molecule? Everything is in a straight line
What is a trigonal planar molecule? Around your central atom, there are 3 items: 3 bonded sides 2 bonded sides and 1 lone pair
What is a tetrahedral molecule? There are 4 bonds on the central atom.
What is a pyramidal molecule? There is one lone pair and 3 bonded sides.
What is a bent molecule? There are 2 bonded sides and 2 lone pairs.
Do atoms always share electrons evenly? No
What is it called when they share equally? Non-polar
How do I know if I have a non-polar molecule? If the molecule has NO lone pairs on the central atom
What is it called when they do not share equally? Polar
How do I know if I have a polar molecule? If the central atom has lone pairs, it is polar.