Measles Skin rash, fever, running nose, Transmission by inhalation Lab. D Collect throat swab, blood, Blood for Detect antigen by Human embryo lung tissue culture.
Family Paramyxovirus. 1 serological RNA virus, single stranded, enveloped, helical capsid Live attenuated Part of the MMR (measles-mumps- rubella), Given at months of age
VARICELLA-ZOSTER Varicella (chickenpox) is the primary Zoster (shingles) is the recurrent VZV: structure & morphology identical to Herpesviruses.
@ Immunity to Varicella is You get Varicella only once, but zoster can occur despite this immunity to Zoster occurs only Zoster increases with advancing age & as a consequence of waning immunity
@ Varicella Symptoms: * Fever, skin rash, itching, on trunk, head, hands, legs. * Rash passes to papules, vesicles, pustules, and crusts. Mild (children), severe (adults).
MYCO. LEPRAE No growth in artificial Inoculated in foot pads of Infects skin & superficial Humans are the natural host- Leprosy
Organism multiplies inside nerve cells, endothelial cells, and skin Three forms of leprosy: # Tuberculoid leprosy # Lepromatous leprosy # Intermediate forms.
I.P. several years. Onset is Tuberculoid leprosy causes: # Skin macules, hypopigmentation, skin thickening, skin Lepromatous leprosy causes: # Skin nodules, leonine facies, and disfigurement.
Lab. Diagnosis: Ear lobe scrapings, nasal scrapings, eye brow scrapings, tissue biopsy, nerve biopsy ZN stain to see No culture and no serological tests.
Lepromin Inject Myco. leprae extract Induration appears within 48 Indicates cell-mediated Diagnostic when negative. Isolate lepromatous leprosy cases Chemoprophylaxis with dapsone.
FeatureTuberculoidLepromatous Number of lesions FewMany Tissue destruction LittleMarked Bacilli in smears FewMany Transmission LowHigh Cell-mediated reaction PresentReduced or absent Lepromin skin test PositiveNegative Differences between Tuberculoid & Lepromatous leprosy