contact diseases Communicable diseases
Tetanus Contact with tetanus spores in soil instruments and faces
Tetanus It is acute disease induced by exotoxin of clostridium tetani and clinically characterized by muscular rigidity
INFECTIOUS AGENT Clostridium tetanii Incubation period 6 to 10 days
Types of tetanus I. Traumatic tetanus II. Puerperal tetanus III. Otogenic tetanus IV. Tetanus neonatorum V. idiopathic
Clinical manifestations Stiffness of muscles of jaw Lock jaw Spasm of muscles of face and cheeks Resp obstruction Cyanosis
complications Aspiration pneumonia Pneumothorax Mediastinal emphysema laryngeospasm
Treatment prevention and control Bed rest Good nursing condition Airway should be patent Adequate fluids and caloric plans Antibiotics immunization
scabies Contact disease
scabies It is skin infection caused by sarcoptes scabiei having incubation period of 1 to 2days to 2 weeks
Clinical manifestations Itching Itchy red papules Commonly on webs of fingers and skin folds and genitalias rarely on face
Rashes on foot
diagnosis Scraping of lesion under microscope
treatment Topical scabicides I. Sulphur oitment II. permethrin III. Benzyl benzonate
Prevention and control Health education Cleanliness Closed contact should be treated Clothes and bedding should be washed
leprosy Contact disease
leprosy It is chronic infectious disease caused by myobacterium laprae.characterized by lesions of nerves skin and mucous membranes of upper respiratory tract
Types of leprosy Leperomatous leprosy Tuberculoid leprosy
Clinical manifestations Skin lesions Nerve lesions Superficial nerves involved Loss of sensation
treament I. Medical treatment Rifampin Dapsone Clofazimine ii. Socio and psycho treatment
Prevention and control Health education Notification Isolation Disinfection Avoid contact Cleanliness and good sanitation vaccinations
Hepatitis B It is an viral infection caused by hepatitis B virus causing major pathology in liver Causative agent:hepandavirus family virus HBV
Incubation period days Period of communicability 6 week to 6 months
High risk groups Recipient of blood transfusions Homosexuals Surgeons Prostitutes Immuno compromised Infants of HBV carrier mothers
complications Cirrohsis of liver Liver cancer Encephalitis Ascites Coagulation disorders GIT bleeding Capit medusae
Prevention and control Good personal hygiene Careful blood handling Health education Notification Disinfection vaccinations
vaccination 1st dose:on ist day 2 nd dose:one month later 3 rd dose:6 months later 4 th dose: booster dose For high risk ml/kg body weight
HIV/AIDS Aids is fatal illness caused by retro virus which breakdown human immune system leading body vulnerable to life threatening opportunistic infections.
Incubation period 29 moths in adults 12 months in children causative agent HIV virus I and II
High risk groups Homo sexuals Prostitutes Iv drug abusers recipients of blood transfusion Having multiple sex patners Vertical transmission
Clinical features a. Initial infection b. Asymptomatic carrier stage c. AIDS related complex d. AIDS
Initial infection Fever Sore throat rashes
Asymptomatic carrier stage Donot show sign of disease except generalized lymphadenopathy
AIDS related complex Has illness caused by damage to immune system but no opportunistic infections
AIDS End stage of HIV INFECTION. Cancers Opportunistic infections Death due to uncontrolled infections
diagnosis Screening test Virus isolation Absolute CD-4 lymphocyte count
Prevention and control Notification Health education General awareness and behavioural change Blood and blood product safety Injection safety Surveillance and research Youth Antiretroviral drugs