1 INFRA : Studies, conferences and coordination actions supporting policy development in the context of international cooperation for e-Infrastructures “The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission” NCP infoday Capacities – Research Infrastructures Call-5 Bonn, 4 february 2009
2 Important dates Timetable Call publication: Closing date: Evaluation: May 2009INFRA Further information on the INFSO/F3 web site:
3 Expected Outcome Promote international interoperation between the e-Infrastructure and similar infrastructures from other regions (e.g. USA, China, India, Mediterranean, etc) Reinforce the global relevance and impact of European e-InfrastructuresINFRA
4 Expected Impact Develop a European policy for research infrastructures, addressing the specific needs for international cooperation in this field, thus achieving critical mass and driving global policies Contribute to the emergence of sustainable approaches for the provision of cross-disciplinary research servicesINFRA
5 Examples of activities - I Coordination of national/European e-Infrastructures initiatives with international peers Support to and coordination of policy-oriented groups in the area of e-Infrastructures Organisation of conferences preparing the regional actors for participation in e-Infrastructures projects, favouring take-up and cross-fertilization of solutionsINFRA
6 Examples of activities - II Prospective studies on interoperability between infrastructures Studies on exploitation and further deployment of e-Infrastructures Benchmarking studies and surveysINFRA
7 Budget & Call Information Indicative budget 4 MEuro Funding Scheme Coordination and Support Action 2 instruments –Coordination Action (CA) –Support Action (SA)INFRA
8 Contact & Further Information Contact Bernhard Fabianek, Maria Ramalho Natario Further information