Bringing data to life -statistical approaches to global issues years: Session 1
Setting the scene and using scatter graphs
What questions do you have about this photo? Photo credits: Oxfam
Living in Ethiopia
Women in Ethiopia
What is life like for the women honey producers? Setting the scene…
Photo credit: Oxfam Ethiopian woman with her bee hives
Women bee keepers working together Photo credit: Oxfam
Ethiopian women at a market Photo credit: Oxfam
Oxfam ran the Researching Women’s Collective Action (WCA) project, launched in 2009, with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The research gathered evidence on how collective action can improve women smallholders’ incomes, strengthen their assets and increase their empowerment. Women honey producers in Ethiopia were one group who were part of this project. Photo Credit: Oxfam
A What fraction of the world’s working hours are completed by women? BC Quick Quiz
What fraction of the world’s working hours are completed by women? Quick Quiz
50% A What percentage of the world’s income do women earn? BC Quick Quiz
What percentage of the world’s income do women earn? Quick Quiz
5% A What percentage of the world’s property is owned by women? BC Quick Quiz
What percentage of world’s property is owned by women? Quick Quiz
Age Wealth Index Wealth Index compared to age in non-WCA members in Ethiopia What does this point represent? What can you say about this person? We call this an outlier. Scatter Graphs
Wealth Index compared to age in non-WCA members in Ethiopia Is there a relationship between age and wealth? Age Wealth Index Scatter Graphs
Wealth Index compared to age in non-WCA members in Ethiopia The older a person is, the wealthier they are. This shows a positive correlation. Age Wealth Index Scatter Graphs
Wealth Index compared to age in non-WCA members in Ethiopia The red line is called a ‘line of best fit’ and should show the ‘trend’ of the data. A line of best fit does not need to go through the origin (that’s just in Science)! Wealth Index Scatter Graphs Age
There doesn’t seem to be a relationship between age and wealth in the WCA members. What might this tell you about the difference the WCA is making in Ethiopia? Scatter Graphs Wealth Index Age Wealth Index compared to age in WCA members in Ethiopia
Scatter Graphs
Correlation —Correlation is described as ‘positive’, ‘negative’ or ‘no correlation’. Relationship —The relationship provides more of an explanation of the trend or pattern seen. E.g. The more education a woman receives, the more money she can earn.
Can you use your scatter graph to predict how much product a 50 year old woman might produce? HINT: Use your LOBF. Scatter Graphs Plot your own scatter graph using the data provided. What correlation does your graph show? What is the relationship between the data?
Scatter Graphs Plenary- Match the words to their definitions. Best represents the trend of the data An explanation of the how one variable changes with the other Positive, negative or no correlation
Scatter Graphs Look at Learner Worksheet C. What does the graph tell you? Can you draw a line of best fit if you only consider the women who have had some education?