Focusing Aerogel RICH Optimization A.Yu.Barnyakov, M.Yu.Barnyakov, V.S.Bobrovnikov, A.R.Buzykaev, V.V.Gulevich, S.A.Kononov, E.A.Kravchenko, A.P.Onuchin Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia A.F.Danilyuk, V.L.Kirillov Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia Presented by E.A.Kravchenko
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 2 October 15-20, 2007 RICH with aerogel and NaF radiators Multilayer aerogel for FARICH Xray measurement of longitudinal refractive index variations MC simulation of real experimental 3-layer aerogel block Status of aerogel production in Novosibirsk Conclusion Outline
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 3 October 15-20, 2007 Sodium fluoride radiator Suggested for RICH with a TEA/TMAE pad-photon detector by R. Arnold et al. [ NIM A273 (1988) 466 ] Good transparency in visible & near UV, Almost no light scattering as compared with aerogel, More firm and stable material, though toxic. √2√2 NaF has the lowest refractive index among solids (except aerogel). for λ >170 nm Cherenkov photons refracts out for normal incidence particle, β≈1 CAPRICE RICH (balloon-borne, flight in 1994): 10mm thick NaF looked by MWPC with TMAE, pad read-out. AMS-02 RICH (ISS-borne, tested with beam 2003): 34x34x0.5cm NaF & aerogel n=1.05 looked by MA-PMT array
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 4 October 15-20, 2007 Aerogel radiators for comparison SLA 12mm – single layer aerogel with n=1.07 SLA 24mm – single layer aerogel with n=1.07 FASR-6 – 6-layer aerogel with single ring FAMR-3 – 3-layer aerogel with 3 rings A.Yu. Barnykov, et al., NIM A553 (2005) 125 A.Yu.Barnyakov, et al., Proceedings of SNIC 2006, eConf C (2006) 0045 FASR-6 gives the best performance at β≈1: Npe = 13, σ β = 5∙10 -4 π/K separation up to 8 GeV/c (better 3σ) A low momentum solution wanted below aerogel threshold: Time-of-flight built in aerogel RICH ( suggested and tested by Belle RICH group) Higher refractive index radiator
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 5 October 15-20, 2007 Monte Carlo simulation (GEANT4) Detector components Geometry Geometry: D = 100 mm (200 mm) - from radiator input face to photodetector plane Aerogel properties: Rayleigh scattering length: 5 cm at 400 nm Aerogel bulk absorption length: 400cm at 400 nm Photodetector: Bialkali photocathode with borosilicate window QE max =24% Overall efficiency factor: 50% (packing density & pe collection efficiency)Physics The processes defined: The processes defined: for charged particles: Cherenkov emission, multiple scattering for optical photons: Fresnel refraction and reflection, Rayleigh scattering, bulk absorption. Effects considered: Effects considered: Dispersion of refractive index Emission point uncertainty Scattered photons are discarded Position resolution of photodetector not considered
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 6 October 15-20, 2007 Optimization of NaF radiator N pe σθσθ 3.5 GeV/c Thickness 10 mm => 9% X 0 at normal incidence
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 7 October 15-20, 2007 NaF vs aerogel Normal incidence particles 30 o incidence
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 8 October 15-20, 2007 π/K separation 30 o incidencenormal incidence NaF: up to 5 GeV/cNaF: up to 3.5 GeV/c Radiator in the endcap can be tilted so that: | θ i | <20 o
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 9 October 15-20, 2007 Single photon position resolution NaF is less demanding to pixelization. ~ 4∙10 3 channels in the forward RICH of SuperB detector (100 mm expansion gap) Single layer aerogel RICH with 100 mm expansion gap needs 10 5 channels, focusing RICH – 4∙10 5 channels)
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 10 October 15-20, 2007 NaF-aerogel multi-ring radiator concept The focusing condition for aerogel is yet to be investigated… FASR NaF
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 11 October 15-20, 2007 Multilayer aerogel 100x100x41 mm, Lsc = 45 mm at 400 nm
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 12 October 15-20, 2007 Xray measurement, density distribution The increase in density at the internal borders is the result of the production procedure (diffusion). Does it effect the performance? Layer n, (optimal) n, (design) h, mm h, mm (design)
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 13 October 15-20, 2007 Monte Carlo simulation of longitudinal refractive index fluctuations 200 mm expansion gap 3 types of radiators 3layer as designed (ideal) Xray data avereged to 3 layers Xray data avereged to 14 layers
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 14 October 15-20, 2007 Simulation results, π/K separation Npe =14 σ β = 5∙10 -4 ‘optimal’ radiator → best resolution for 4 GeV/c pions ‘real’ experimental radiator → best resolution for 3.5 GeV/c kaons π/K separation up to 8 GeV/c (>3σ)
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 15 October 15-20, 2007 Status of aerogel production ~2000 liters have been produced for KEDR ASHIPH detector, n= blocks 200 200 50 mm have been produced for LHCb RICH, n=1.03 ~200 blocks 115 115 25 mm have been produced for AMS RICH, n=1.05 n=1.13 aerogel for SND ASHIPH detector n=1.008 aerogel for the DIRAC 3-4 layers focusing aerogel High optical parameters (Lsc≥43mm at 400 nm) Precise dimensions (<0.2 mm) See poster of A. Danilyuk “Progress in aerogel synthesis in Novosibirsk”
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 16 October 15-20, 2007 Conclusion Use of NaF radiator in the forward RICH looks very promising (PID at low momenta, small number of channels) Large 3 layers aerogel block has been produced and characterized The Monte Carlo simulation taking into account the real longitudinal refractive index fluctuations shows small distinction of resolution between ‘real’ and ‘ideal’ aerogel radiators.
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 17 October 15-20, 2007 Additional slides
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 18 October 15-20, 2007 Technical requirements on multilayer aerogel, single ring (layer thickness) Accuracy on the thickness of the layers 2 cases – “correlated” (all layers change equally) “anti-correlated” (half of the layers increase, other decrease)
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 19 October 15-20, 2007 Technical requirements on multilayer aerogel, single ring (index of refraction) Accuracy on the refractive index in the layers 6-layer option 2 cases – “correlated” (all layers change equally) “anti-correlated” (half of the layers increase, other decrease)
E.A.Kravchenko, "Focusing aerogel RICH optimization" 20 October 15-20, 2007 Technical requirements on multilayer aerogel, single ring (longitudinal density variations) Accuracy on the density variations along the track case sensitive negative – variation in the layer from low values to high (continuous focusing) positive – variation from high values to low Technical requirements on multi ring aerogel are more simple!