Curriculum Night Miss Bergin Mrs. Pride Mrs. SindelarMrs. Sindelar Mrs. WiggerMrs. Wigger Miss ZelleMiss Zelle Mrs. Sundhausen
Schedules In your packet you will find all of the fourth grade teachers’ schedules. We all teach math and reading in the morning Science, Social Studies, and Writing are all taught in the afternoon.
Homework Policy Fourth grade students will have homework every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and reading on Fridays. Planners should be signed nightly when they finish their homework. All quizzes and tests taken in fourth grade will require a parent signature, and must be returned to your child’s homeroom teacher. These tests and quizzes will be kept by the teacher.
Birthday Treats We have food allergies in the grade level so please have the nurse approve the items prior to bringing them in. Please send enough treats for your child’s class.
Snacks Fourth graders may bring Snacks to school since we eat the latest lunch. Please speak to your classroom teacher about food restrictions
Grading The letter grade averages are as follows: A=90-100% B=80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69% F=below 60%
Reading/ Balanced Literacy Reading consists of all the components of a balanced literacy program. mini-lessons on various reading strategies such as predicting, inferring, summarizing, etc. small reading groups During small group reading time, the other students will be at their desks, independently reading books on their reading level.
Writing Writing and grammar will be practiced daily. Students will be asked to choose pieces from their notebook to publish. The writing steps include prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, peer-editing, conferencing, and publishing. Not all pieces in our Writers’ notebooks will be published.
Math What we learn: –Adding and Subtracting 4 digit numbers, multiplying 2x3 digit numbers, long division, geometry, algebra, fractions, and decimals Centers Memorization of Facts
Science Biome Project Electricity Projects Matter Projects Forces and Motion Projects Earth Science Projects Prism
Social Studies All about Missouri History and Government! Projects include: –Lewis and Clark –Famous Missourian –Early Native Americans
Technology Interactive white boards Activexpressions Laptops in every classroom
Field Trips Information… Coming soon! We are still working on planning our field trips for the year.
Blog/Calendar Please check our fourth grade blog frequently. This will be our main form of communication. m m Fourth grade calendar will contain information about projects, events, test/quizzes, etc.
BYOD Bring your own device Devices are welcome for instructional use! They are the responsibility of the student If you don’t want to send them, that is okay too!
Contact Information Contact us via voic or anytime!
Questions Please listen to where your child’s individual teacher will be meeting, if you have questions. If not… THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING TO THE FOURTH GRADE CURRICULUM NIGHT!