By : Charisma
A volcano is a mountain that opens downward to a pool of molten rock below the surface of the earth. WHAT IS A VOLCANO ?
You can find them in Hawaii, Alaska, California Oregon and Washington. WHERE CAN YOU FIND VOLCANOES?
Some damages they can do are loss of life, mess up homes, destroy highways, and destroy bridges!!!!!!!! WHAT DAMAGE COULD THEY DO?
The earths crust is made up of plates,it comes together like a jigsaw puzzle. WHAT MAKES THEM ERUPT?
Volcanoes are formed by when magma in the earths upper mantle and moves its way to the surface. HOW ARE VOLCANOES FORMED?
Magma is a rock inside a volcano. lava is a rock goes out a volcano.the lava becomes red and hot. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LAVA AND MAGMA?
The different types of volcanoes are cinder cone, composite volcano, shield volcano, and dome volcano. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF VOLCANOES?
The largest active volcano is Mauna Loa. It is 13,677ft Mauna Loa is taller than Mount Everest. WHAT IS THE LARGEST ACTIVE VOLCANO?