Welcome Back to School Ms. Bonard’s Fourth Grade Classroom with with Ms. Pagano
Getting to Know Miss Bonard Grew up in Westfield, NJ Went to James Madison University Certified in/Highly Qualified: ◦ Elementary Education K-5 ◦ Middle School Mathematics 5-8 ◦ Middle School Language Arts 5-8 Taught 4 th grade math in North Caldwell from Joined Stillman in January 2011
This Year’s Academic Units This Year’s Academic Units Writing Author’s Study Realistic Fiction Non-Fiction Personal Narrative Poetry Science Rocks and Minerals Human Body Electricity
This Year’s Academic Units This Year’s Academic Units Math Geometry Place Value Multi-digit Multiplication Long Division Fractions Measurement Number Patterns
This Year’s Academic Units This Year’s Academic Units Reading Fiction and Non-Fiction ◦ Accompanied by appropriate skills and strategy lessons Close reading Small group leveled instruction Centers Social Studies Revolutionary War State Challenge Constitution Immigration New Jersey
Classroom Procedures Morning Work every morning B.E.E. book ◦ Agenda (tonight’s homework) ◦ Flyers from school ◦ Username and Password reminder sheet Weekly jobs
Throughout the year we will… Multiplication/ Division timed tests ◦ Division will start in the late fall Wordly Wise (in school and at home) Type to Learn (in school) Positive Reinforcement Classroom Management ◦ Marbles ◦ Good Time Tickets
In School Visits Dig It- Rocks and Minerals Goo, Gobs, and Guts- Human Body Edison Workshop- Electricity Living Voices- Revolutionary War and Immigration
Homework Tonight’s assignments reviewed and pack up as class everyday ◦ Read for 20 mins and log- parent signature required ◦ Weekly reading response due every Friday ◦ Math worksheet that supports today’s lesson ◦ Wordly Wise assignment (Monday and Thursday) Checked if completed or collected and corrected every morning Missing Assignment sheet in BEE book- please sign Extra help always available
Assessments Tests announced at least a week in advance ◦ Math review packets are optional and answer sheet included- should be used as a studying tool Reading assessments- September, November, February, and May/June Will collect classwork and homework sporadically Anecdotal records during instruction
Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! We love to celebrate birthdays!! Please contact me before “the big day” to set up a day and time you want to send in a treat. There are 21 students in 4Bd No nuts please. Gluten free options are encouraged
Items to consider… Items to consider… Please send in head phones USB may be helpful for writing Dismissal and field trip forms HSA dues me: Fusion Page- ◦ Specials schedule ◦ Links Portaportal.com (4 th grade websites) Wordly Wise link Guided Reading Level website Report Card Rubrics