1 Compliance and Diversity & Inclusion August 22, 2016 Renisha Gibbs, SHRM-SCP, SPHR Assistant Vice President for Human Resources/ Finance and Administration Chief of Staff
2 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Objectives Create inclusive, harassment-free campus Develop awareness Promote reporting Ensure efficient response Resources
3 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Inclusion Diversity Compliance
4 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Compliance: Non-Discrimination Laws
5 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Non-Discrimination Policy Prohibits: Denying employment/educational opportunities Taking negative employment/academic action Quid pro quo Creating a hostile work/academic environment Because of an individual’s membership in a protected group (in any aspect of academics and employment).
6 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Protected Groups at FSU FSU prohibits discrimination based on: race, creed, color, sex*, religion*, national origin, age, disability*, genetic information, veterans’ status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and other legally protected groups. * Duty to provide reasonable accommodations.
7 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Examples of Inappropriate Behavior Mocking clothes, food, or physical appearance of people from different cultures, religions beliefs, sexual preferences, etc. Humor based on stereotyping/denigrating members of protected groups. – Avoid in-group joking. Not respecting different beliefs. Making fun of accents or names. Hate speech.
8 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Examples of Inappropriate Behavior Continued unwelcome flirting/requests for dates. Calling someone honey, baby, sugar, sweetie, or similar terms. Obscene gestures, sounds, jokes, practical jokes, s, texts, leering. Giving unwelcome sexually suggestive compliments. Allowing coworkers to harass a colleague who is transitioning from one gender to another. Sexual violence.
9 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Zero Tolerance Policy FSU has a duty to: Investigate Eliminate Address effects Prevent recurrence Applies to all students, faculty, staff, visitors, and contractors. Applies to all programs and activities, both on and off campus.
10 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Who Handles Complaints? Equal Opportunity & Compliance (EOC) – Against staff, faculty, visitors, contractors – Procedures in Non-Discrimination Policy Title IX Director – Jennifer Broomfield – Against students (Title IX) – Procedures in Sexual Misconduct Policy Dean of Students Department – Against students (non-Title IX) – Procedures in Student Code of Conduct
11 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Everyone is encouraged to report - All incidents. Responsible Employees - Mandatory reporting (to EOC/Title IX Director within 2 days) if: – Affected party is a student; – Affected party is someone you supervise; – Incident involves sexual battery; or – Incident involves a minor. *You are a Responsible Employee! *Make the report, do not investigate! *Err on the side of caution and report, even if unsure. Employee Reporting Obligations
12 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Reporting Triggers Duty to report and respond if: Individual mentions —Affected party —Responding party You witness (see or hear) 2 nd Hand Reports (co-workers/students/police/media) Rumor mill “Knew or Should Have Known” Standard
13 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Non-Retaliation Retaliation is prohibited against individuals who: Make a complaint; Help someone report; Participate in investigations; Request an accommodation; or Otherwise oppose discriminatory conduct.
14 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Creating an Inclusive Environment Familiarize yourself with University policies Recognize your role – Monitor your own behavior – Be a positive role model Challenge stereotypes and assumptions Use a filter (avoid “in group” joking) Avoid jumping to conclusions/assumptions Address issues promptly and seriously - report Don’t try to handle situations on your own – See assistance from Human Resources
15 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Campus Diversity & Inclusion Resources Diversity & Inclusion Council Affinity Groups Initiatives Learning Opportunities
16 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Diversity & Inclusion Council Develops policies, programs, groups, and special initiatives that address diversity and inclusion. Diversity & Inclusion Operating Plan Created in 2009 Approved by the Board of Trustees Diversity and Inclusion Council Heads efforts to implement this plan Led by the President Facilitated by the Assistant Vice President of Human Resources and Chief Diversity Officer
17 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Diversity & Inclusion Council President John Thrasher Steering Committee President's Cabinet Council Faculty, Staff, Students, Community Members HR Administrative Liaisons Human Resources Staff Affinity Groups
18 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives Recruit, develop, and retain a diverse faculty and staff Recruit and graduate outstanding and diverse students Develop and strengthen partnerships with diverse internal and external organizations
19 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Affinity Groups Faculty Advocacy and Resource Group Dr. Delia Poey- Black Faculty & Staff Network (BFSN) Dr. Rhea Lathan- LGBTQ+ Faculty & Staff Network Mr. Kelvin Rutledge- Veterans Friends & Families Group (VF2G) Mr. Michael “Pete” Peterson-
20 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Diversity & Inclusion Learning Opportunities D&I Certificate Series (core courses): PDDI01 D&I Cert Orientation DDI02 Cultural Competence & Higher Education PDDI03 Cultural Competence in Administration & Management PDDI04 Cultural Competence in Teaching & Research Contact the Training and Organizational Development Office for additional training options.
21 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources 2014 & 2015 Heed Award Recipient 2016 Diversity Champion
22 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Final Thoughts Model appropriate behavior – Set the tone/culture (professional filter) – Encourage reporting – Silence and inaction also send a message Proactively manage class/work environment – Know your responsibilities – Actively promote inclusion – If you see something, say something – Remind students/Regularly circulate policies Contact EOC in HR – For consultation – To report incidents BEFORE taking action Especially if recent protected activity (Retaliation)
23 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Human Resources Thank You To make a report or to get assistance with a situation contact EOC at (850) or