June 8 th, :30-1:00
Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.
Things that will be starting for the upcoming year Committees: Details are not exact but examples are we could have: fundraising committees Assisting committees Event committees - If you are interested please sign sheet with your name, phone number, and grade Key Club pledge will be said every single meeting from now on, including this one! Required number of hours We will have enough events for each member to have a certain number of hours after every two months, we will be checking in on you to make sure you are on track with your hours but penalties will not be placed until after the marking months which will be December,March, and May Students who have been an active member for 2 plus years will be checked in October as well. Monthly calendars
DCON Information is still not out about DCON but please start telling your parents about it because it is an amazing experience! Date: March 30- April 2 nd, 2017 at the Rosen Shingle Creek, Orlando, FL We plan on having a payment plan starting the following school year More information will be given throughout the summer/ school year
Events for the Summer Christmas in July There will be an assembly of people all working together to assemble basic essential for children who are not as fortunate. It will be June 11 th in Coral Springs at west sample rd, coral springs from 10-2 Applebee's fundraiser To help fundraise money for Christmas in July there will be breakfast on June 18 th from 8am-10am at 6005 N. University Drive Tamarac, FL, Tickets are $15.00
Events for the Summer We were thinking of participating with Broward county board of county commissioners parks and recreation division in early June We were thinking of having a food drive in late July and helping the 365 food collection We were thinking of having a book drive the first week of school when we come back Since these events are still an if/maybe scenario then please leave your name, number, and if you are interested and you will be given more information later on THIS WILL NOT BE THE CASE STARTING THE SCHOOLYEAR