Scott H. Segal Bracewell & Giuliani, L.L.P. Electric Reliability Coordinating Council Presentation for Workshop on Power Sector Environmental Regulations October 22,
Who we represent What is ERCC? Why reliability and affordability?
Coal ash Utility MACT Transport New PSD for Carbon Ongoing NSR/PSD Enforcement 1-Hour SO2 CO2 NSPS Ozone NAAQS PM2.5 NAAQS Regional Haze in SIPs Other Rules Outside Sector: Boiler MACT & PC MACT
Regulation of carbon dioxide Effective construction moratorium Ongoing litigation Are the States ready?
Market assumptions Technological assumptions Timing Mitigation Modeling of fuel prices
Effects of power outages An anti-industrial policy? Cost impacts -- regressive features -- minority and elderly communities -- regional differences -- hospitals and schools
EPA should consider overlapping cost estimates Interagency and administrative process should be more robust Onset of carbon regulation should be delayed pending legislative treatment of issue Congressional Review Act should be reformed Enforcement initiatives should not retard efficiency improvements