SAQs or Short Answer Questions
SAQs ● 4 sets of SAQs on the national exam (& each six weeks) ● 50 minutes to complete all 4 sets (approx. 12 minutes each) ● Each set will have an a., b., c. part. ● Must answer all three parts of each set. ● Limited amount of space to answer in. ● Must answer in complete, grammatically correct sentences. ● Bullet-pointed answers will not be scored. ● All answers must be written in BLACK ink. Scoring ● 7/7/11 for each (25 pts./question). ● There will be 4 SAQs each six weeks. ● Grading/value on the AP exam will be explained later.
SAQ Structure and Spiraling At least 2 SAQs will be stimulus driven (chart, map, graph, art work, reading passage). Others will be straight questions. Questions will test your ability in a spiraling method Part A-C: Increasing order of difficulty This is to provide students with a possibility of getting a point. Differentiates student’s ability
SAQ sample
SAQ Sample Responses A. For the period , explain ONE factor behind population changes in Chart 1. “From 1500 to 1750 the population in the Americas did not increase drastically. This was due to the fact that the Americas were discovered in 1492 and still being settled. Settlers also had to contend with disgruntled Native Americans, but the population did increase slightly.” Do you think this earns the point or not? And why?
SAQ Sample Responses A. For the period , explain ONE factor behind population changes in Chart 1. “From 1500 to 1750 the population in the Americas did not increase drastically. This was due to the fact that the Americas were discovered in 1492 and still being settled. Settlers also had to contend with disgruntled Native Americans, but the population did increase slightly.” Does NOT earn the point--- Though vague, answer does identify information in the chart, neither explanation provides a clear rationale for the lack of population change. Student could have discussed the relationship between settlers and indigenous populations with regard to disease and occasional violence as reasons for only a slight increase in population.
Part A, Pilot SAQ Sample Responses A. For the period , explain ONE factor behind population changes in Chart 1. “From 1500 to 1750 the population in the Americas was for the most part the same, with little population growth or decrease. However it can be seen in Chart 1 that from 1500 to 1600 there is a small drop in population. This is most likely from the death of millions of natives in the Americas as a result of European conquest. And from 1700 to 1750 there is a slight rise in population most likely from the rising migration of Europeans into the Americas.” Do you think this earns the point or not? And why?
Part A, Pilot SAQ Sample Responses A. For the period , explain ONE factor behind population changes in Chart 1. “From 1500 to 1750 the population in the Americas was for the most part the same, with little population growth or decrease. However it can be seen in Chart 1 that from 1500 to 1600 there is a small drop in population. This is most likely from the death of millions of natives in the Americas as a result of European conquest. And from 1700 to 1750 there is a slight rise in population most likely from the rising migration of Europeans into the Americas.” Earns the point---First, answer does identify information in the chart. Explains small drop in population from and slight rise from
SAQ sample
Part B, Pilot SAQ Sample Responses B. For the period , explain ONE factor behind population changes in Chart 1. “One factor behind the massive population growth in the Americas from 1750 to 1900 was that settlers [finally settled] the whole country. This dealt with purchases of land such as the Louisiana Purchase.” Do you think this earns the point or not? And why?
Part B, Pilot SAQ Sample Responses B. For the period , explain ONE factor behind population changes in Chart 1. “One factor behind the massive population growth in the Americas from 1750 to 1900 was that settlers [finally settled] the whole country. This dealt with purchases of land such as the Louisiana Purchase.” Does NOT earn the point---Does not attempt to identify the facts of the chart. Attempts to explain “massive population growth” by the fact “that settlers [finally settled] the whole country.” If the settlers were already somewhere in the Americas, total population would not be affected by where they are. The response could have addressed the steep increases in immigration to the Americas or even the population growth that occurred as settled families grew in size.
Part B, Pilot SAQ Sample Responses B. For the period , explain ONE factor behind population changes in Chart 1. “From 1750 to 1900 the population is increased by almost 8 times the population in This is a direct result of Europeans settling and living in the Americas and the rising nations of Canada and the United States of America.” Do you think this earns the point or not? And why?
Part B, Pilot SAQ Sample Responses B. For the period , explain ONE factor behind population changes in Chart 1. “From 1750 to 1900 the population is increased by almost 8 times the population in This is a direct result of Europeans settling and living in the Americas and the rising nations of Canada and the United States of America.” Earns the point---Weak but earns the point. Recognizes factor related to dramatic growth from Also attempts to discuss “the rising nations of Canada and the United States of America.”, but does not explain how prosperity, growth, and potential opportunities present in both nations at the time may have lead to increased population. What could have made this a better answer that would have been a slam dunk point?
SAQ sample
Part C, Pilot SAQ Sample Responses C. For the period , explain ONE factor behind population changes in Chart 2. “From 1500 to 1900 the population in Africa increases but not as substantially as in the Americas. This is a result of European imperialism and growing African nations.” Does NOT earn the point---Does not explain a way in which European imperialism might lead to African population growth or other factors that caused “growing African nations.” Could have discussed European colonization and migration to Africa, the arrival of medicines and agricultural techniques, the shift away from the Atlantic Slave Trade, or other aspects of nineteenth century imperialism that would have promoted population growth in Africa.
Part C, Pilot SAQ Sample Responses C. For the period , explain ONE factor behind population changes in Chart 2. “From 1500 to 1900 the population in Africa increases but not as substantially as in the Americas. This is a result of European imperialism and growing African nations.” Do you think this earns the point or not? And why?
Part C, Pilot SAQ Sample Responses C. For the period , explain ONE factor behind population changes in Chart 2. “Between the population in Africa remained steady until 1850 when it grew substantially, due to increased knowledge in disease prevention which prevented deaths, and greatly reduced slave trade, which increased births.” Earns the point---Explains by 1850, disease prevention was preventing deaths. The last claim of the “reduced slave trade” increasing births could use further explanation, but it does imply that fewer people are being forced to leave Africa, which allow for more families to have children in Africa as opposed to wherever the slave trade may have taken previous generations.
SAQ ● Pay close attention to question and verbs ○ Identify, Identify and explain, Analyze… ○ Must address question---Appropriate to Theme/Learning Objective/Historical Thinking Skills ● Length? Length per question item? ○ Students must write within the square space ● Organize by A,B,C ● How we will practice in class: ○ Writing journals, historical thinking skills exercises, quizzes, homework – this is why I insist on writing in complete sentences and using pen!
Practice a) Identify and explain ONE factor that enabled the emergence of beer. b) Identify and explain ANOTHER factor that enabled the emergence of beer. c) Identify and explain ONE factor that enabled the spread of beer.