By: Jacob S. Brown
Bullying - use of strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants Different forms of Bullying: ◦ Physical (hitting) ◦ Verbal (teasing) ◦ Social or Emotional (exclusion, hurtful gestures) ◦ Cyber (negative/hurtful s, text or online messages)
93% of teens hear derogatory words about sexual orientation 3 out of 4 students bullied about sexual orientation aren’t identified as LGBTQ. 78% of gay (or believed to be) teens are bullied in schools and communities. LGBTQ students are five times more likely to miss school because of feeling unsafe due to bullying
Negative effects on developmental and mental health ◦ Extreme anxiety and depression ◦ Relationship problems ◦ Low self-esteem ◦ Substance abuse Lack of support from adult figures 2 to 3 times more likely to commit suicide then heterosexual students
Never tolerate abusive language Maintain confidentiality Keep an eye out for bullying and stop it Never assume a student’s sexuality
Work with the student government and other school clubs to have programs on anti- bullying and respect Encourage victims of bullying to tell a parent or counselor Use inclusive language ◦ Use term ‘partner’ rather than boyfriend/girlfriend ◦ Use precise terms rather than using just gay Keep things neutral ◦ Don’t ask anyone to speak for an entire group ◦ Language
Cawthon, Stephanie W. "Teaching Strategies in Inclusive Classrooms With Deaf Students." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 6.3 (2001): Web. Riese, Jane. "Bullying & Sexual Orientation." Violence Prevention Works! Hazelden Foundation, n.d. Web. 20 Nov "Facts About Suicide." The Trevor Project. The Trevor Project, Web. 19 Nov