City Council Meeting June 21,
Conduct Public Hearing Adopt 3 Resolutions As City Council 1.Adopt Annual Budget, 5-Year Capital Improvement Program, and selected fees 2.Adopt Findings of Benefit supporting Redevelopment As Redevelopment Agency 1.Adopt Annual budget, including Findings of Benefit 2
Tonight’s Actions follow months of review by City Council and the Public ◦ January – Employee Town Hall Meetings ◦ February 15 – Budget Update and 5-Year Projection ◦ March 22 – General Fund Budget Workshop ◦ March/April – 7 Community Town Hall Meetings ◦ May 17 – Declaration of Emergency ◦ June 7 – Presentation of Proposed Budget ◦ June 8, 14 – Department Budget Workshops ◦ June 21 – Implementation of Emergency Measures ◦ June 21 – Public Hearing and Proposed Adoption 3
General Fund Budget Gap: $37 million ◦ Expenditure growth outpacing current revenues ◦ Revenue options limited due to State constitution, high unemployment, low per-capita income ◦ Equipment, technology, insurance compromised ◦ Reserves depleted Immediate Actions Necessary ◦ Emergency Measures and/or Layoffs ◦ Must Adopt a balanced budget to authorize new year operations and to write checks 6
Have tax revenues stabilized? Unresolved employee negotiation/litigation Workforce reduction/Leave cash outs Re-benchmark of cost allocations Inter-fund loans and debt risk General Fund backfill for other funds/programs State budget actions/loss of Redevelopment 7
To address $37 million deficit: Plan A ◦ Balance budget with draconian service reductions ◦ Cut 235 General Fund positions (42% over 3 years) ◦ Cut 253 total positions (25% over 3 years) Plan B ◦ Modified Service Reductions - $12 million ◦ Labor Cost Reductions - $25 million (includes Fire) Resolution adopts both Plans ◦ Authorizes City Manager to implement Plan B, and all or part of A as necessary 8
$523 million 5-year Program ◦ Leverages Federal/State grants for Infrastructure $61 million Appropriations ◦ $316,000 General Fund Significant unfunded maintenance ◦ Requirements: $15 - $20 million/year ◦ Stormwater: $5-9 million/year 9
Narrow range of fee updates at this time ◦ Pending resolution of labor cost of service Proposals discussed during June 14 workshop ◦ Water ◦ Wastewater ◦ Parking 10
Proposed Resolution also takes other administrative actions ◦ Sets annual appropriations limit ◦ Updates City Manager’s contract authority by CPI ◦ Adopts Redevelopment findings of benefit ◦ Approves expenditures to the League of Cities ◦ Approves expenditures to Community Partnership for Families 11
Conduct Public Hearing Adopt 3 Resolutions As City Council 1.Adopt Annual Budget, 5-Year Capital Improvement Program, selected fees Page Adopt Findings of Benefit supporting RedevelopmentPage 859 As Redevelopment Agency Page Adopt Annual budget, including Findings of Benefit Page