REVIEW THINK Remember, the Caribbean is made up of the Greater Antilles and the Lesser Antilles (20 small countries)…try to name the six countries that make up the Greater Antilles on your graphic organizer.
REVIEW PAIR Turn to a partner and try to fill in any missing countries that you could not remember.
REVIEW SHARE Raise your hand if you and your partner can name all of the countries.
REVIEW Answer: The Greater Antilles consists of Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Bahamas
Brief History Caribbean was taken over by European colonization.
Brief History Spanish searched for GOLD, but were unsuccessful and most left the area.
Brief History With Spain out of the way…some new countries wanted a piece of paradise… French British Dutch
Brief History No gold…so what did these foreigners do to make money???
Brief History Slavery ended in 1800s, so the landowners started recruiting people from South and East Asia to come over and work for very low wages. ???Why would these people from Asia come over and work for low wages??? (Hint…push factors)
Brief History Independence…(more information on this soon) gradually all of these countries gained their independence EXCEPT Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States. Commonwealth- self-governing territory associated with another country; the people are U.S. citizens but they do not have any voting representation in the U.S. Congress.
Brief History Since 1960 the population in the Caribbean has doubled to 36 million people. (U.S. = 303 million) Population growth has led to some problems…
Internet Scavenge Hunt! We need to create 6 groups. You may work alone, with a partner, or with a small group. Once you have decided come up to the front of the classroom and choose the country you want to research.
EXIT PASS From our class lecture and from your research done today, answer this question on your note card: “How different is life, compared to my daily life, for 9th grade students in the Caribbean?”