This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot.


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Presentation transcript:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Web2.0-based virtual communities and social learning to strengthen competencies of people at risk of exclusion LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME - Key Activity 3 Project Number: LLP IT-KA3-KA3MP Grant Agreement: Overview on Work Packages for the new partner, P10- Kaunas University of Technology

Aims Design and development of atypical, heterogeneous, virtual community(es) conceived as –Personal Learning Environment(s) “through which learners can explore and create, according to their own interests and directions, interacting at all times with their friends and community” –e-learning 2.0 environment(s) “based on conversation and interaction, on sharing, creation and participation” –WEB 2.0 devices as enablers and drivers for awareness processes from tacit-individual to explicit-social knowledge, underlining the centrality of learner who can actively design their learning and construct their own understanding

P10 E-Learning Technology Centre at Kaunas University Kaunas University of Technology, the largest technical university in the Baltic States, is the second largest institution of higher education of Lithuania. It contains 13 faculties, 10 institutes, number of centres, departments, and laboratories. University has over 17 thousands students and more than 500 PhD students. KTU is a coordinator of Lithuanian Distance Education Network and is promoter of several national projects for ICT development in Hihger Education. E-Learning and Distance education services at University are provided mainly by E-Learning Technology Centre that is the leading centre in Lithuania while the e-Learning research activities are concentrated in the Faculty of Informatics, where Laboratory for Distance Learning Technologies is established and PhD students are working under supervision of leading Lithuanian researchers. KTU is a member of European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN), National Distance Education Association (NDEA), Lithuanian Association of Adult Education (LAAE), Association of IT companies (INFOBALT), European Universities Lifelong Learning Network (EULLearN), European Universities Continuing Education Network (EUCEN), European University - Industry Network (EUI- Net), The Baltic- Nordic Network for Exchange of Experience in ODL (BOLDIC), Global Development Learning Network (GDLN). In the CONNECT project, KTU will use its expertise to ensure that the approaches are fully compatible with EU standards on the use of Learning Outcomes in Work Package 2. In Work Package 3, ICT devices supporting learning, KTU will contribute its research-based expertise on the tools which are most appropriate to the needs of reference target group. In Work Package 4, KTU will be responsible for the choice of contents, of pilot tools and coordination rules within the testing phase and the testing activities designed to meet the needs of reference target group and defining the specific ICT requirements. The subsequent pilots will involve participants from this group from other partner countries. New Partner withdrawal (1/2)

P10 E-Learning Technology Centre at Kaunas University Aims and activities of the organization –Role in the project P10 will use its expertise to ensure that the approaches are fully compatible with EU standards on the use of Learning Outcomes in Work Package 2. In Work Package 3, ICT devices supporting learning P10 will contribute its research-based expertise on the tools which are most appropriate to the needs of reference target group In Work Package 4, P10 will be responsible for the choice of contents, of pilot tools and coordination rules within the testing phase and the testing activities designed to meet the needs of reference target group and defining the specific ICT requirements. The subsequent pilots will involve participants from this group from other partner countries New Partner withdrawal (2/2)

Work package numberWork package typeWorkpackage titleStartEnd WP1MANProject Management136 WP2DEV Learning-outcome based model and Assessment Procedures 132 WP3DEVICT devices supporting learning132 WP4DEV Testing the model and the assessment procedures 1128 WP5DISDissemination136 WP6EXPExploitation of results136 WP7QAEvaluation & Quality Assurance136 Work packages

WP1 Partner Involvement Signature of the agreement, participation as required to the project management activities; provision of the needed documents and information required for the editing of the interim and final reports; participation to the meetings. WP2 Partner Involvement Research and development activities as described in the WP2, contribution to the writing of the qualitative questionnaire and of the initial lines for the model; contribution to the survey sample identification. WP3 Contribution in defining the ICT framework for the project online platform. Participation in defining specific ICT requirements in the LT testing context. Contribution to elaborating the feedbacks for tuning the ICT design. WP4 Testing on a sample of the reference target group in the LT. Contribution to elaborating the feedbacks for tuning the model. WP5 Provision of inputs at local level for the dissemination plan. Contribution to the selection of the target groups for the three surveys planned. Local dissemination activities according to the dissemination plan. WP6 Participation to the working group on the exploitation of results. Signature of the IPR and the exploitation plan. Participation to the exploitation group. WP7 Participation to evaluation activities and focus groups according to the evaluation plan Work plan Partner involvement

Learning outcomes selected to develop content: learning outcomes related to the WEB: - to gain skills on using web based e-facilities (intended in National community (if applicable) and international community in EN language) learning outcomes on communication, employability, work-life balance - to gain skills on e-portfolio development (intended in EN language in international community space)

Contacts E-Learning Technology Centre at Kaunas University of Technology Studentu , Kaunas LT tel. /fax Ms. Daina Gudoniene Ms. Danguolė Rutkauskiene