Factors Affecting Online Certificate Program Dropouts Erman Yukselturk Middle East Technical University Fethi A. Inan The University of Memphis E-Learn Washington, DC, USA Nov. 1-5, 2004
Dropout rates The dropout rates for distance education courses are usually higher than those for comparable on-campus Distance education dropout rate is approximately 30-50%
Implications of dropouts Measure of the quality of the education Dropout has economic and educational implications
Dropout reasons Learners aspect Unexpected emergency situations (Vergidis & Panagiotakapoulos, 2002) Underestimating time and effort necessary for courses (Vergidis & Panagiotakapoulos, 2002; Arsham, 2002; Xenos & Pierrakeas & Pintelas, 2002) Lack of time management (Parker, 1995; Phillips, Chen, Kochakji & Greene, 2004 ; Saba, 2002 ) Ill-defined educational goals (Parker, 1995) Lack of technology proficiency (Phillips, Chen, Kochakji & Greene, 2004; Frankola, 2001 ) Lack of skills of taking learning responsibility (Saba, 2002 ) Lack of study space (Saba, 2002 ) Unfamiliar learning environment (Rovai, 2003; Lynch, 2001; Arsham, 2002; Martinez, 2003; Terry, 2001)
Dropout reasons Program aspect Course schedule and pacing (Morgan & Tam, 1999 ) Insufficient feedback (Morgan & Tam, 1999 ) Quality of learning materials (Morgan & Tam, 1999; Rossett & Schafer, 2003; Frankola, 2001 ) Lack of student support (Frankola, 2001) Lack of interaction among learners and teacher (Saba, 2002; O’Brien & Renner, 2002) Inexperienced instructor (Terry, 2001) Lack of social integration (Hill & Raven, 2000 ; Rovai, 2003; King, 2002)
Description of OITC Program First Internet Based Certificate program (started in May 1998 ) Synchronous and asynchronous communication methods are used Four semesters lasting nine months totally (Two courses for each semester) One instructor and two assistants are dealing with each course. At the end of each term, there are face-to-face sessions for each course within the campus Assessments are based on the final examinations, homework, attendance to the chat sessions and participation in the discussion lists
Participants & Procedure Program # of students who enroll # of the student who drop out Dropout percentage 4 th th th A Dropout survey was sent to 98 students by 26 students returned the survey. The data were collected anonymously
Findings QuestionsMSD 1. I couldn’t arrange sufficient time to study and attend the program I had personal problems (e.g. about my family, job, health) I couldn’t meet the expense of the programs My motivation decreased gradually If the program were face to face, I would continue on attending the program I couldn’t adapt to the distance education system I couldn’t get satisfactory support and feedback enough
Findings QuestionsMSD 8. I couldn’t sufficiently utilize communication tools (e.g. discussion list, chat and ) I recognized that the program was not suitable with my expectation I was not pleased with the content of the courses The courses were overloaded and I were not have adequate knowledge level I couldn’t communicate with other participants I couldn’t achieve the exams of program I was not satisfied with instructors’ efforts and desires in the program
Conclusion Participants come with different educational background, employment characteristics, financial status, marital and family status and different expectations about program About 35 % of this program participant didn’t complete program in the last three year Generally student reported high for dropout reasons which were basis by them. The items -arrangement of time, personal problem, expenses, and motivation – had higher mean scores than problems regarding the program.
Implications & Suggestions Analyze students' learning styles, strengths and weaknesses Provide counseling to help each applicant to explore his aims, motivation and commitment Provide orientations Regulate the study load of students Active personal and tutorial assistance during the course. Enhance student active participation to learning process Monitor the performance of the instructors Periodical redesign of courses and instructional materials.