Y OU ARE L IVING. Y OU OCCUPY SPACE. Y OU M ATTER ! What is matter? Matter- Anything that has mass and volume. Matter exists ordinarily as a solid, liquid, or a gas. Matter makes up all of the objects and living organisms in the universe. Not everything is made of matter. Air and Sound They do not take up space or have mass 2
H OW DO YOU M EASURE M ATTER ? Different objects contain different amounts of matter. Mass- the measure of how much matter an object contains. When measuring mass you must use the correct unit of measurement. Large Masses – Measure in kilogram (kg) Smaller Masses- Measure in grams (g) Ex. Paper Clip weights 1 gram 3
T OOLS TO M EASURE M ASS 1.Triple Beam Balance 2. Electronic Scale 4
W EIGHT When you hold a book bag full of books do you feel it pulling down on your hands? This is caused by Earth’s gravity– the force that pulls two masses toward each other. Weight- the downward pull of an object due to gravity Weight is measured using a scale, such as a spring scale. Weight is measured in the scientific unit Newton (N). The common unit for weight is the pound (lb). 5
W EIGHT VS. M ASS Weight and mass are very closely related, but they are not the same. Mass describes the amount of matter an object has. Weight describes how strongly gravity is pulling on the object. 1 kilogram = 9.8 newtons Fun Fact: On the moon, gravity is 1/6 the strength of gravity on earth! 6
L ET ’ S P RACTICE M EASURING M ASS Measure 100’s first Measure 10’s second Measure 1’s last 7
37.3 9
V OLUME Volume – The amount of space that an object takes up. Volume is measured in mililiters (mL) Tools use for Measuring Volume Graduated Cylinder Beakers Flasks Formula for Determining Volume Volume = length width height V = lwh Take measurements in centimeters (cm) The unit volume is measured in is cm 3 10
H OW TO R EAD A G RADUATED C YLINDER 1. Make sure graduated cylinder is on level surface 2. Get eye level with the graduated cylinder 3. Read the bottom of the meniscus Volume = 36.5 mL 11
L ET ’ S P RACTICE 1.Use Correct Formula 2.V= lwh 3.V= 9cm3cm 16cm 4.V= What is missing?? 6. The Correct Units cm 3 7. V= 432 cm 3 12
M EASURING I RREGULAR O BJECTS There is no simple formula for calculating the volume of something with an irregular shape. Measuring an irregular object shape is called displacement. Steps to measure the volume of an irregular object 1. Add a specific amount of water to a graduate cylinder. 2. Place the irregular object in the water. The water will become displaced. 3. Subtract the new volume of water from the initial volume of water. 4. The result is the volume of the object. 13
1.Find the Initial Volume 65 mL 2.Find the New Volume 69 mL 3. Subtract the Initial Volume from New Volume 69 mL -65 mL ____________ 4 mL 4. Hammer Volume = 4 mL 14
L ET ’ S P RACTICE New V: 68 mL Initial V: 64 mL V = 4 mL New V: 29 mL Initial V: 19 mL V = 10 mL 15