AIMS OF THE MEETING 1.Vision, aims and aspirations for our pupils; 2.Singapore Maths overview; 3.English curriculum overview; 4.Update on Staff / Parent Inclusion Working Party.
VISION, AIMS, ASPIRATIONS What do we want for our children?
STRENGTHS:AREAS TO DEVELOP: Awareness/acceptance of SEND Curriculum enrichment – special weeks etc Clubs / sporting things / achievements Creative Fridays Creative curriculum / opportunities Well-resourced / equipment / outdoor space Happy in school Responsibilities – council, HB and HG, Playground support etc Safe INSPIRE workshops Children’s safety and safeguarding Teaching Removal of sets for Maths New schemes coming in to support teachers PiP Parents are more informed Parent readers Musical Extravaganza Malachi / Herriotts Spending of pupil premium Money from PTA fundraising – benefits children Performance in assemblies Showcase skills and talents Academic achievement Fresher school environment Expectations and progress Opportunities for in-school roles e.g. library, council Community involvement Accepting / supportive of each other Inclusion group Opportunities to share achievements Emotional support Awareness outside the Moseley CE bubble More people to run clubs Same respect for ALL staff Manners around school – consistent modelling and reinforcing from adults Creative Friday – more suited to children’s interests Children’s play equipment – less but sturdy KS1 playground more like EYFS Academic pressure 1FE dynamics Lack of vertical groups No holiday clubs Precocious attitudes
What do we want for our pupils? To have an enthusiasm and thirst for learning – a desire to find out more and achieve well; Confidence to be themselves and consistently aim high to challenge their potential; Awareness for the world beyond their own – having respect and understanding of others with circumstances different to their own; To explore/access all opportunities provided to discover talents and abilities; Happy, positive attitude/memories of their time; To be kind and respectful members of their community; Have a good understanding of diversity; Thirst for knowledge and drive to learn; To have confidence in themselves – self-belief; Well rounded children who have experienced a wide variety of activities/opportunities; An awareness of expectations in later life e.g. secondary; To leave with fun, happy memories of their time here; Happy/confident in own abilities and achievements / reaching their potential; Fun, good memories of their school life; Embedded morals; Self-belief to try new things and accept limitations or when things go wrong; An understanding of the wider world; Be inspirational role models.
Staff Parent Inclusion Working Party
DATE:AGENDA: Monday 12 th September :30pm~5pm Action points for the 2016~2017 academic year; Ideas for developing cohesion throughout the parent body; Introduction to the ‘No Outsiders’ scheme. Monday 17 th October 2016: 3:30pm~5pm Set date / identify a parent team to lead the first cooking event in Autumn (2); Miss Rogerson to report back from PHSE Coordinators course; Look at current PHSE ’21 term plan’ and the OFSTED expectations (inc. National Curriculum) - identify where key changes need to be made (led by Miss Rogerson) Monday 28 th November 2016: 3:30pm ~ 5pm SEND (led by Mrs Horton) What are we doing well – parents / pupils / staff? Areas to develop? How can this feed into curriculum / themed days/weeks?