This program is funded by a grant from the US Department of Labor’s (DOL) Employment and Training Administration, the operation of the NJHPC is the responsibility of the individual colleges not the DOL. This document was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the US Department of Labor. The US Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties or assurances of any kind, expressed or implied, with respect to such information. The US Department of Labor does not guarantee the accuracy of the information, completeness, timeliness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This includes information on linked websites. All programs offered by this grant are equal opportunity programs and as such, auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. "Interactive Group Resume Writing Workshop PowerPoint " by LaProta, Anne; Menza, Greg; Scarangella, Susan, NJ-PREP, TAACCCT Round 4 is licensed under CC BY 4.0CC BY 4.0
RESUME GUIDELINES LECTURE YOUR RESUME IS DESIGNED TO GET YOU AN INTERVIEW! (LaPorta, 2014) KEEP IT SHORT AND CONCISE 1 page is best and two are the limit Only use a second page is you have the information to fill at least 50% of the page. If not, edit the resume down to a single page. 10 second scan rule for the YES or NO pile Recruiters will spend 10 seconds at most reviewing the resume. You information needs to grab the recruiter’s attention. The top 3 rd of the first page will get the most attention – make sure it contains the most relevant information. RESUME TELLS THE EMPLOYER: What you can do What you have done Who you are What you know Where you want to go Why they should hire you RESUME MUST PROVIDE: Enough information for the employer to evaluate your qualifications It must be designed to emphasize your background as it relates to: the relevant position requirements of the job the job description RESUME MUST BE: Targeted towards the company and position that interests you Concise and well written; conservative style and a focus on key achievements Neat, clean and organized. No errors and printed on high-quality paper Have it proof-read by at least 2 people Must be accurate and truthful, but each resume should highlight different strengths as they relate to the job opening YOUR RESUME IS THE PLACE TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS: What position are you seeking? What skills, abilities and knowledge do you possess? What are your key accomplishments? What is your work history? Have you shown any leadership or responsibility skills? What education or training do you have? Do you participate in any extra-curricular activities or volunteer services? REMEMBER! YOUR RESUME MUST DO 3 THINGS: Draw the reader’s attention Highlight your strengths Get you the interview!! ORGANIZING THE CATEGORIES OF YOUR RESUME Three Most Common Resume Formats (Frongillo, 2016) Chronological Easy to read and generally make salient points quickly and concisely. Include first list your name, address, and contact information. Include a targeted summary or objective statement. List work experience in chronological order starting with your most recent position. Include employer, location, dates, job titles & description of tasks, accomplishments & skills. Follow with education, special skills and any relevant awards, honors, or accolades. Functional Focuses on abilities and points out what am applicant would bring to a particular job. Should be as targeted as possible in order to gain attention. Include first list your name, address, and contact information. Include a precisely worded summary or objective statement that draws a distinct parallel between your strengths and the job's requirements. Include education, awards and any volunteer positions you've held. Beware, functional resumes may scare away hiring managers because they are not as easy to review and may cause suspicion due to missing dates or titles. Combination To be used if an applicant cannot use chronological resume format due to gaps or too little (or too much) experience and the applicant feels the functional resume is not the best format to sell the applicant for the position. Start with an attention-getting and pertinent description of your applicable skills. List clearly defined accomplishments Add as many concise, chronological elements as possible. Follow with jobs, dates, titles, awards, and education. YOUR RESUME IS DESIGNED TO GET YOU AN INTERVIEW! (LaPorta, 2014) KEEP IT SHORT AND CONCISE 1 page is best and two are the limit 10 second scan rule for the YES or NO pile RESUME TELLS THE EMPLOYER: What you can do What you have done Who you are What you know Where you want to go Why they should hire you
YOUR RESUME IS DESIGNED TO GET YOU AN INTERVIEW! (LaPorta, 2014) RESUME MUST PROVIDE: Enough information for the employer to evaluate your qualifications It must be designed to emphasize your background as it relates to: the relevant position requirements of the job the job description RESUME MUST BE: Targeted towards the company and position that interests you Concise and well written; conservative style and a focus on key achievements Neat, clean and organized. No errors and printed on high-quality paper Have it proof-read by at least 2 people Must be accurate and truthful, but each resume should highlight different strengths as they relate to the job opening
YOUR RESUME IS THE PLACE TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS: What position are you seeking? What skills, abilities and knowledge do you possess? What are your key accomplishments? What is your work history? Have you shown any leadership or responsibility skills? What education or training do you have? Do you participate in any extra-curricular activities or volunteer services? REMEMBER! YOUR RESUME MUST DO 3 THINGS: * Draw the reader’s attention * Highlight your strengths * Get you the interview!!
OPTIONAL CATEGORIES (LaPorta, 2014) HONORS/AWARDS SCHOLARSHIPS VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES CLUBS/ORGANIZATIONS LEADERSHIP ACTIVITIES You do not have to use all these optional categories. Include what will help you stand out and impress the hiring manager with your background. Use what you want or make a section specific to you!
ORGANIZING THE CATEGORIES OF YOUR RESUME Three Most Common Resume Formats (Frongillo, 2016) Chronological Functional Combination
Optional Organizational Patterns Based upon where an applicant is in his/her career (Zhang, 2015) For most applicants Summary Statement (optional) Experience Professional Organizations / Community Involvement (optional) Education Skills and Certifications For recent grads Education Experience Leadership Awards and Activities (optional) Skills For career changers Objective (optional) Relevant Experience Additional Experience Professional Organizations / Community Involvement (optional) Education Skills and Certifications (option to move up) For senior-level candidates Summary Statement Experience Professional Organizations / Community Involvement (optional) Education Skills and Certifications