During WW2
Food Rationing was introduced to many countries during world war two. Some of the countries were England and the U. S. A. and the place we well be talking about is mostly England. When England started food rationing all of the families got a weekly amount of food including the royal family. RATIONIN INTRODUCED
The reason why they started food rationing was because German submarines started attacking England's food supply ships. So then the British were worried that they would run out of food so they limited there food. Germany Attacks
Ration books and coupons were issued and families were re required to register with the local shoe keeper in order to receive there rations. Later on clothing rations were introduced in Food rations books
Food Rationing in CANADA During World War 2 there were also food rations in Canada. After witnessing the less then perfect supply and rations situation in the British army during the Great War, Canadian military planers decided to began a similar but separate program in the Canadian army. This program began in the 1920’s and by the time World War 2 came about and it was time for Canada to join the war.
Food Rationing ended after what seemed like decades after Allied victory in Many countries who were food rationing were relieved to know that the war was over and they could stop food rationing, and the countries who were being taken over by the Axis were very happy. War Officially Ended