Vol.2 Introduction of System Products of Aleph Networks Co. 1) SCOPE: Central monitoring system 2) BEAMS: Energy management system Aleph Networks Co. 2
Central monitoring system Overview of main equipment System introduction(SCOPE/BEAMS) Central monitoring system Overview of main equipment CRT for central monitoring×2 units + graphic panel for electricity monitoring Aleph Networks Co.
Lighting System Device System introduction(SCOPE/BEAMS) Summary of Aleph Networks Central Monitoring Control System + BEMS BEMS Server Printer Main Console Backup HDD UPS HVAC Subsystem BACnet Gateway PLC Overall Control PLC Ethernet BACnet/IP Lighting Subsystem Local Control PLC ・ Duplex System ・ Many Monitor Consoles ・ Remote Monitoring Via Internet VPN Controller I/F CC-Link, NET/H, B-NET Device, etc. LonWorks Device Panasonic Lighting System Device Device Net Device Other Fieldbus Device Aleph Networks Co. 12
Screenshot for Heat Source System System introduction(SCOPE/BEAMS) Screenshot for Heat Source System Aleph Networks Co.
Screenshot for Electric Power System System introduction(SCOPE/BEAMS) Screenshot for Electric Power System Aleph Networks Co.
Screenshot for Electricity Power System (Extra high voltage) System introduction(SCOPE/BEAMS) Screenshot for Electricity Power System (Extra high voltage) Breaker’s condition Measured value in digital indication Aleph Networks Co.
Screenshot for Lighting Control Equipment (Top view) System introduction(SCOPE/BEAMS) Screenshot for Lighting Control Equipment (Top view) Lighting condition is displayed(lights on) Lighting condition is displayed(lights off) Aleph Networks Co.
Screenshot for HVAC System (air conditioning system diagram) System introduction(SCOPE/BEAMS) Screenshot for HVAC System (air conditioning system diagram) Operating condition Measured values in digital indication Window for state /alarm history Aleph Networks Co.
Screenshot for HVAC System (plan view) System introduction(SCOPE/BEAMS) Screenshot for HVAC System (plan view) Operating condition Measured values in digital indication Window for state /alarm history Aleph Networks Co.
Screenshot for HVAC System (ventilation system diagram) System introduction(SCOPE/BEAMS) Screenshot for HVAC System (ventilation system diagram) Operating condition Aleph Networks Co.
Screenshot for Disaster Prevention System (plan view) System introduction(SCOPE/BEAMS) Screenshot for Disaster Prevention System (plan view) Plan view for disaster prevention: 6F : Fire alarm : Gas leak : Sprinkler 火災感知器発報表示 火災区画表示 Aleph Networks Co.
Screenshot for History of State/Alarm System introduction(SCOPE/BEAMS) Screenshot for History of State/Alarm History extract window Window for state /alarm history Aleph Networks Co.
Screenshot for Measurement Trend Graph System introduction(SCOPE/BEAMS) Screenshot for Measurement Trend Graph Aleph Networks Co.
Setting Screen for Operation Schedule System introduction(SCOPE/BEAMS) Setting Screen for Operation Schedule Schedule setting bar graph Aleph Networks Co.
Introduction of BEMS(Name:BEAMS) System introduction(SCOPE/BEAMS) Introduction of BEMS(Name:BEAMS) Aleph Networks Co.
Purpose of BEMS (System of data collection/analysis) 2.System introduction(BEAMS) Purpose of BEMS (System of data collection/analysis) Energy- Saving Policy Cycle Implementation User Assessment Measurement Report Report Aleph Networks Co. 16
Long-Term Storage of Massive Data(1) 2.System introduction(BEAMS) Long-Term Storage of Massive Data(1) BEAMS collects data in the field in real time and records it in the database every minute. Collected data in the database is tallied regularly and tallied results are recorded as logged data. Data logging Data tallying Host PLC <<Logged data>> Equipment Logged date Tallied data / 10 min. Tallied data / hour Tallied data / day Tallied data / month Meter Tallied data / hour Tallied data / day Tallied data / month Sensor Aleph Networks Co.
Data Collection/Analysis Device(BEAMS) System introduction(SCOPE/BEAMS) Data Collection/Analysis Device(BEAMS) Screenshot(1) 【Extraction of point data】 Specify the conditions of data to be extracted Display extracted data Output in Excel file 【Registration for e-mail notification】 Output in CSV file 【Registration of computing point】 CSV file Excel file Define name and condition s of alarm Define name and attribution of computing point List the management points to be used in the computing Define a computing equation Aleph Networks Co. E-mail notifies when alarm is generated.
1 Point data extraction 2.Sysetm introduction(BEAMS) Aleph Networks Co.
Data Collection/Analysis Device(BEAMS) System Introduction(SCOPE/BEAMS) Data Collection/Analysis Device(BEAMS) Screenshot (2) BEAMS uses various types of graphs to describe values at management points. Indicated data can be downloaded in the Excel or CSV format. ■ Trend graph ■ XY correlation chart ■ Pie chart ■ Frequency distribution ■ Set analysis ■ Layer bar graph ■ Conversion of metering velocity (trend graph at metering points) Aleph Networks Co.
1-8. Energy-Saving Verification Tool by Aleph Networks - Automatic Report②- ■ E-mails send information related to verification of predetermined functions with attached file. PDF(graph) and CSV data. Recipient: energy manager, maintenance agency, proposer of control, designer. Graph converted to PDF and CSV data are attached. Operating data of the previous day is automatically sent at 3:00 a.m. every day. Aleph Networks Co.
11. E-mail Alert for Malfunction, Excess, etc. - E-mail notification①- 2.System introduction(BEAMS) 11. E-mail Alert for Malfunction, Excess, etc. - E-mail notification①- ■ Demand alarm, deterioration in operating condition and control ⇒E-mail notifies when unfavorable situation occurs in energy use Aleph Networks Co.
12. E-mail Alert for Malfunction, Excess, etc. - E-mail notification②- 2.System introduction(BEAMS) 12. E-mail Alert for Malfunction, Excess, etc. - E-mail notification②- ■ Demand alarm, deterioration in operating condition and control ⇒ Excess demand Aleph Networks Co.