OpenDocument Format (ISO/IEC 26300) !!! D R A F T !!!


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Presentation transcript:

OpenDocument Format (ISO/IEC 26300) !!! D R A F T !!!


What is ODF? (1/5) An XML- based specification describing the content and formatting of a document. The open standard developed by a multi- vendor committee at OASIS and approved by ISO. The standard that meets the common test for openness

What is ODF? (2/2) The default format in, StarOffice, KOffice, and IBM Productivity Tools The open standard adopted and supported by many vendors. The option that gives you the most choices for interoperability and future- proofing the access to your information.

ODF is an example of a bigger change (3/5) Applicatio n Informatio n Old Style Information is closely linked to the application that created it. Control is with the software developer not the customer. Applicatio n Information New Style Information is represented using a real open standard not under the control of a single vendor, and multiple applications can create and access it interchangeably. Control is with the customer not the software provider.

We started to see this in the 1990s (4/5) Browser The Web New Style Information is represented using a real open standard not under the control of a single vendor, and multiple applications can create and access it interchangeably. Control is with the customer not the software provider. Applicatio n Informatio n Old Style Information is closely linked to the application that created it. Control is with the software developer not the customer.

The trend will accelerate in the 2000s (5/5) Office Suite Web appsNew apps Document s New Style Information is represented using a real open standard not under the control of a single vendor, and multiple applications can create and access it interchangeably. Control is with the customer not the software provider. Applicatio n Informatio n Old Style Information is closely linked to the application that created it. Control is with the software developer not the customer.

What is ODF not? (1/2) It is not dictated by a single vendor. It is not required to be compatible with a single vendor's commercial products. It is not a forced commitment to either proprietary or open source software.

What is ODF not? (2/2) It is not a limitation of your choices for applications to create and process your information, now and in the future, by everyone who should have access to it. It is not being adopted by Microsoft (yet).

OASIS ODF TC (1/2) Founded 2002 Charter: Creation of an open, XML based file format for office applications Name: “OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC”

OASIS ODF TC (2/2) Members from multiple organizations, for example: Adobe IBM Intel KDE Novell OASIS Sun Microsystems

ODF Design Goals

ODF Roadmap (1/2) OpenDocument 1.1 Results from accessibility SC and erratas Committee Draft: July 2006 Public Review: August/September 2006 Earliest date for OASIS ballot: November 2006

ODF Roadmap (2/2) OpenDocument 1.2 Results from accessibility SC, meta data SC, and formula SC Additional enhancements Committee Draft: July 2006 Public Review: August/September 2006 Earliest date for OASIS ballot: November 2006


ODF Benefits (1/2) Long-term reuse of and access to data No lock-in to proprietary tools or undocumented formats Competitive data processing products Reduced costs

ODF Benefits (2/2) Increased reliability, because more data automation Platform independence Interoperability Different Applications - One Format IBM WorkplaceAjaxWrite

Different Applications - One Format

StarOffice KOffice TextMakerAbiWord Different Applications - One Format


ODF Momentum (1/3) OASIS OpenDocument Format (ODF) TC: Defining the ODF specification Adobe, IBM, Intel, KDE, Novell,, Sun,...

ODF Momentum (2/3) OASIS ODF Adoption TC: Focus on ODF adoption by ISV's IBM, Intel, Novell,, Oracle, Sun,...

ODF Momentum (3/3) ODF Alliance: Focus on public policy More than 290 companies and organizations: BBC, Bull, Bristol City Council, City of Vienna, Corel, EDS, EMC, Google, IBM, Novell, Oracle, Red Hat, Software AG, Sun,...

ODF Application Support 2.0 StarOffice 8 Office Suite KOffice IBM Lotus Notes 8 ('Hannover') including the IBM Productivity Tools TextMaker AbiWord Google Writely See for an updated list


Developer Resources Book: OpenDocument Essentials: OpenDocument Utilities OpenDocument Perl Module:

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