Bellwork Access your list of 5 facts about the Great Depression that affect the characterization of Lennie and George and be ready to explain how Steinbeck uses them.
Chapter 1 Characterization George is a caretaker, giving Lennie simple instructions he cannot remember. –Theme- Loneliness He believes he can protect Lennie from himself. –Theme-Powerlessess
Homework Find out what poem Steinbeck used as a basis for the title Of Mice and Men. As you read chapters 3-6, look for vocabulary words from the list (that I will give you, later).
Chapter 1 Characterization Lennie is childlike, eager to please, but his forgetfulness and naiveté are flaws that haunt him and George. –Theme-Powerlessness
Chapter 1: Literary Device Motif- Recurring Theme. George believes he and Lennie will own a farm, and his concern is genuine. They will live “off the fatta’ the lan.” –Theme- Nature of Dreams, namely the American Dream.
Chapter 1: Literary Device Animal Imagery- Comparing characters with animals. –Lennie is compared to a bear (size and strength). –His hands are described as paws.
Chapter 1: Literary Device Animal Imagery (continued) –Lennie is associated with mice and rabbits. Snorts like a horse. Circles like a terrier.
Chapter 2: Theme Fate- due to human weaknesses and outside forces, life is unpredictable. –Chapter one deals with the world of nature. –Chapter two deals with the world of men (bunkhouse). –The contrast brings out the theme of fate.
Chapter 2: Symbolism The characters in the bunkhouse symbolize various aspects of the Great Depression –Sadness (no dreams). –Rootlessness (loneliness) –Old age (powerlessness) –Racism (barriers)
Chapter 2: Cynicism The prevailing question…”Why are you two (Lennie and George) traveling together? –Boss thinks George is taking Lennie’s pay. –Curley thinks they are living an alternative lifestyle. –Slim just comments it’s rare (fear).