Strategic Planning MidwayUSA William Burke – VP Logistics
Strategic Planning is the centerpiece of MidwayUSA’s continuous improvement.
Strategic Planning Team Staffed by Senior Leadership Team President and 9 Vice-Presidents Not the CEO Leadership Development Candidates as guests
Team meets once per month Full-day meeting What do we do: Review the results of previous Strategic Plan Review execution of the current year’s Strategic Plan Develop next year’s Strategic Plan
7 Major Phases Set the Direction Deploy Strategic Objectives Develop Ideas Create the Strategic Plan Deploy the Strategic Plan Execute the Strategic Plan Control the Results
Integration Set the Direction Mission Statement Operational Goals Key Stakeholders Key Requirements Performance Results & SWOT Strategic Objectives Long-Term Goals Work Systems (Departments)
Engagement with All Communication Quarterly State of the Business Meetings Quarterly Knowledge Sharing Meetings Monthly Department Baldrige Meetings Development Project Management Guests in Meetings
Creating the Strategic Plan Bucket List List of Action Plans (Projects) Continuous Interface with CEO Financial / Human Resources Planning Approval by CEO Reviewed by BOD
Deployment to Organization Quarterly State of the Business Meetings Dept. Knowledge Sharing Meetings Monthly Department Baldrige Meetings
Execution Throughout the year, monitor milestones Measure of degree of completion to plan
Control Are we getting what we wanted? Each month in Strategic Planning Meetings
Stakeholders: Customers Operational Goal: Customer Satisfaction Customer Key Requirement: #2 Requirement Low-cost shipping Strategic Objective: Customer Satisfaction 94% 1 Set the Direction
Deploy: State of the Business meeting to Department Leadership Teams Department Knowledge Sharing meetings to all Employees Company Intranet Organizational DNA Walls 2 Deploy Strategic Objectives
Results Review: Customer Satisfaction survey score on shipping charges shows us several points below goal Customer Analysis: Voice of the Customer process shows sustained high percentage of complaints from Customers on the cost of shipping Market Analysis: Market analysis shows competitors with lower cost shipping 3 Develop Ideas
Action Plan Analysis: Analysis of idea to restructure shipping charges to reduce cost to Customers is determined to provide adequate value Action Plan Selection: Shipping Charge action plan is added to the strategic plan Workforce / Financial Plan Integration: Future year budget adjusted based on change to shipping charges. Resources allocated to implement the change Strategic Plan Approval: CEO approves the strategic plan 4 Create Strategic Plan
5 Deploy Strategic Plan Deployed: State of the Business meeting to Department Leadership Teams Department Knowledge Sharing meetings to all Employees Department Baldrige Meetings Company Intranet
6 Execute Strategic Plan Project Management Process: Action plan is implemented to achieve defined goals Strategic Plan Execution Measure: Action plan is implemented on time
7 Control Results of Completed APs Results: Action plan (AP) is monitored after implementation to ensure results are achieved Completed AP MeasureResults Shipping Charge Shipping Charges Customer Satisfaction Score Pre-APPost-APGoal 74%78%85%