Wednesday, Nov. 8 Take three index cards from shelf Get out some paper and your research articles. Today and tomorrow will be about learning how to take good notes and when you should paraphrase, summarize or use a direct quote. It is important that you take good notes, listen and ask questions when you are lost and confused. You will be expected to know how to do this in your paper.
By the end of the hour, you will: Know when to use a quote Know the difference between summarizing and paraphrasing Know HOW to summarize and paraphrase Know WHEN to summarize or paraphrase Know the 3 ways you can put a text into your own voice and words There will be a quiz at the end of the hour!
Taking Notes: why talk about it? Careful note-taking is the key to avoiding accidental plagiarism. Good note-taking skills can make your life easier: it will help your write a good paper. Good note-taking skills can also help you become a better student in the future.
First, a word about Quoting: Quote: using EXACTLY the words and punctuation in the original text: it does not necessarily mean quoting someone who is speaking; it just means it is word-for-word from the article. Make sure to use “quotation marks” around text that you take from article. – According to the Batzler foundation, “20% of students have interviewed for a job” within the last two months (Batzler). Pitfalls – Using too often (should be only 2-5 times in paper) – Using wrong quotes (lame, long) – Quoting wrong (ungrammatical, misspellings) The moral of the story: don’t quote very often. Write this down!
Paraphrasing and Summarizing: the difference between the two Write this down! ParaphraseSummarize Put in your own words, own voice Main ideas and details of original text Main ideas only Same level of detail as original Less detail than original Roughly same length as original (maybe a little shorter) Much shorter—1/4 length of original
Paraphrasing and summarizing: For both note-taking strategies, you must put the info in your own words: 1) Write in phrases only 2) Change words 3) Change order of information Write this down!
1) Write in Phrases only Original Text: “Our Fitness Assessment Services provide members with a baseline for their fitness programs through tools such as body composition and metabolic testing. After establishing personal fitness goals, our fitness staff can assist you in creating a customized exercise program. Trainers can design a customized exercise program to help members meet their fitness goals” (“Fitness”).Fitness Assessment Services ***Please note the citation in the parentheses. This comes from the first word of the works cited page for this entry. More on this later.
1) Write in Phrases only Fitness Assessment Services = baseline for fitness programs. Body composition and metabolic testing. Decide on personal fitness goals. Fitness staff assist to create customized exercise program. Trainers help meet fitness goals.
Now it’s in phrases, but what’s still wrong with this paraphrase? Original Text: “Our Fitness Assessment Services provide members with a baseline for their fitness programs through tools such as body composition and metabolic testing. After establishing personal fitness goals, our fitness staff can assist you in creating a customized exercise program. Trainers can design a customized exercise program to help members meet their fitness goals” (“Fitness”).Fitness Assessment Services Our Paraphrase: Fitness Assessment Services = baseline for fitness programs. Body composition and metabolic testing. Decide on personal fitness goals. Fitness staff assist to create customized exercise program. Trainers help meet fitness goals.
Now it’s in phrases, but what’s still wrong with this paraphrase? Original Text: “Our Fitness Assessment Services provide members with a baseline for their fitness programs through tools such as body composition and metabolic testing. After establishing personal fitness goals, our fitness staff can assist you in creating a customized exercise program. Trainers can design a customized exercise program to help members meet their fitness goals” (“Fitness”).Fitness Assessment Services Our Paraphrase: Fitness Assessment Services = baseline for fitness programs. Body composition and metabolic testing. Decide on personal fitness goals. Fitness staff assist to create customized exercise program. Trainers help meet fitness goals. The paraphrase above is wrong because there are four or more words in a row from the original text. This needs to be fixed or it is plagarism!
The fix? Step 2) Change Words Version #1 paraphrase Fitness Assessment Services = baseline for fitness programs. Body composition and metabolic testing. Fitness staff assist to create customized exercise program. Trainers help meet fitness goals. Version #2 paraphrase (better) Fitness Assessment Services = get started with exercise program. Trainers will do “Body composition and metabolic testing.” Staff at FAS helps make exercise program just for me. Trainers help create exercise based on my goals.
What else could we do? Step 3) Change Order of Info Version #2 paraphrase (better!) Fitness Assessment Services = get started with exercise program. “Body composition and metabolic testing.” Staff at FAS helps make exercise program just for me. Trainers help create exercise based on my goals. Version #3 paraphrase (best) Fitness Assessment Services = at Rec center, do “Body composition and metabolic testing,” help get started with exercise program. Staff at FAS helps make exercise program just for me. Trainers help create program based on my goals.
Now, let’s try a summary: Remember, a summary has only the main ideas (not the details), and is much shorter than the original text. Good if you only want the big picture, and don’t need all the small facts and details.
Now, let’s try a summary: Original Text: “Our Fitness Assessment Services provide members with a baseline for their fitness programs through tools such as body composition and metabolic testing. After establishing personal fitness goals, our fitness staff can assist you in creating a customized exercise program. Trainers can design a customized exercise program to help members meet their fitness goals” (“Fitness”).Fitness Assessment Services Summary: Rec center Fitness Assessment Services helps trainers make exercise program just for me based on goals and fitness tests.
You try paraphrasing: Write your name and hour neatly on back of blank index card. Write “Paraphrase” on top. I will give you a direct quote from a source. Use the 3 methods for paraphrasing to take notes on the front of your index card. Look back at the notes you wrote for reference.
You try paraphrasing… Original text: After completing a complementary assessment, our fitness staff will combine your current fitness level with personal goals to design an Exercise Program tailored to your needs. Your fitness specialist will demonstrate all aspects of your program so that you have a clear understanding of equipment variations and proper form.
Check: Trade cards with a partner. On your partner’s card look for: – Did your partner AVOID using words or phrases that are the same as the original text? – Did your partner use phrases and abbreviations instead of complete sentences? – Did your partner change up the order of the information? If you can answer YES to all these questions, tell your partner congrats! If not, explain what your partner missed.
Now try summarizing: Write your name and hour neatly on back of 2 nd blank index card. Write “summarize” on top. Now summarize the same original passage instead of paraphrasing. Remember: summary is about main ideas, not details. Summary should be much shorter. Look back at the notes you wrote for reference.
You try summarizing… Original text: After completing a complementary assessment, our fitness staff will combine your current fitness level with personal goals to design an Exercise Program tailored to your needs. Your fitness specialist will demonstrate all aspects of your program so that you have a clear understanding of equipment variations and proper form.
Check: Trade cards with your partner. On your partner’s card, look for: – Did your partner AVOID using words or phrases that are the same as the original text? – Is your partner’s summary much shorter than the paraphrase? – Did your partner capture the main idea of the original passage? If you can answer YES to all these questions, tell your partner congrats! If not, explain what your partner missed.
Quiz: write your answers on your third index card. 1. How often should you quote in your paper? 2. Which is shorter, summary or paraphrase? 3. For which type of note-taking (summary or paraphrase) do you have to put the text into your own words and voice? 4. What are the 3 ways you can put something into your own words and voice? 5. Explain the difference between summarizing and paraphrasing. 6. When should you summarize, and when should you paraphrase?
Hand ‘em in! Staple your 3 index cards together. Put the quiz on top. Hand them in to me at the front of the room. We will continue note taking tomorrow.