Take Thoughtful Notes The information presented during class is integral to your learning and your academic success. College instructors expect students to think carefully and deeply about the material and perspectives presented. Note-taking is a way to stay actively engaged, but taking thoughtful notes is only possible if you can fully concentrate throughout class.
Take Thoughtful Notes (continued) Set the scene. Complete assigned readings before each lecture. Ask yourself big-picture questions: Where does today’s topic fit into the wider themes of the class? Is this lecture a continuation of something that was discussed previously, or will the information be new? Do I already know something about the material being presented? Determine what distractions hinder your learning in class so that you can eliminate them.
5 Ways Smart Students Stay Alert During Class 1.Bring snacks to eat, especially during three-hour marathon classes. 2.Turn off phone alerts, close , and hide Facebook. 3.Sit closer to the instructor and away from classmates who might distract you. 4.Reenergize your body whenever possible—breathe deeply, move your shoulders, unobtrusively move your legs up and down. 5.Take notes in your own words, using one of the note- taking formats described in this chapter.
Quick Tip Clear Your Head Unexpectedly, you can be confronted with difficult life situations, making it tough to concentrate on anything. When this happens, take a few minutes before class to write down what’s on your mind and what actions you might take to deal with the issue. This technique allows you to express your emotions, while freeing your brain to focus on what’s going on in class.
Take Thoughtful Notes (continued) View lectures as conversations. Capture the main ideas. Write down examples, evidence, and anecdotes. Highlight anything the instructor repeats. React to the information. Determine what questions you have.
Quick Tip Use Your Own Words You don’t need to write down every word the instructor utters. In fact, if you merely transcribe a lecture, you are only passively engaging in the class. You’re so busy writing down every word that you’re not thinking critically about what’s being said. Instead, try to take notes using your own words.
Note-Taking Styles Instructor notes If your instructor provides a handout as an overview of the class or as a framework for note-taking, use it to guide the way you take notes in class. Take additional notes in your own words. Your personal style of note-taking The more you personalize your notes and make them your own, the more likely they are to aid your understanding and studying.
Using the Table Format
Using the Outline Format
Using Visuals
Review Your Notes Early and Often You can improve your critical thinking and retention of class material by taking ten minutes later in the day to read over your notes. Looking over your notes after class helps you to figure out what questions you have. Take a few minutes before class starts to read over your notes from the last lecture.
Quick Tip Quiz Yourself In addition to reading over your notes, ask yourself questions about the class to check your retention and understanding of the material. For example, can you articulate the key concepts or theories in your own words? Do you remember an example that was given, and can you explain it clearly? Were you persuaded by the evidence provided? If so, why? When you ask questions, you’re finding out what you really know, as well as reviewing the material in a meaningful way.
Quick Tip Make Connections Connect your notes to assigned readings. Notes provide a bridge between what you’re learning in class and what you’re reading outside of class. If you don’t understand why your instructor assigned a particular reading, consult your lecture notes. Thoughtful notes should help you determine how the lectures relate to the readings and vice versa.