Staying Tobacco Free In this lesson, you will Learn About… Why people start using tobacco. How you can stay tobacco free.
Bell Work Recognize some reasons a person will start using tobacco.
Standards 1: The student will comprehend concepts related to health promotion to enhance health.
Indicators/ Essential Question D Examine the short- and long-term effects and consequences of ATOD use, including the impact on society. D Discuss the reasons that individuals use and abuse ATOD.
Relevance Once a person begin an addiction to a substance, explain how hard it is for that person to stop their addiction? Use evidence.
Staying Tobacco Free The Vocabulary term in this lesson is: Media
The Reality of Teens and Tobacco Use Some myths teens may believe about tobacco use: It will help them fit in. It makes them more grown-up. It will not harm their health for years. It will help them look “cool.”
Nonsmokers in Different Age Groups
Pressures You May Face Factors influencing teens to use tobacco include: Pressure from the mediamedia Pressure from peers Pressure from family Other pressures The key to resisting these pressures is to exercise self control.
Saying No to Tobacco I can’t. I’m on the team and I have to keep my lungs in shape. My grandfather had cancer and I don’t want to go through that. The smell of smoke bothers me. My parents would ground me if they found out if I was smoking. I can’t afford to blow my money on tobacco. Smoking just doesn’t seem like fun to me. Using tobacco is illegal for people under 18
Reviewing Terms and Facts 1.The _____ are the various methods of communicating information, including newspapers, magazines, radio, television, movies, and the Internet. media
Reviewing Terms and Facts 2.Identify three pressures teens face to start using tobacco. Pressure from the media Pressure from peers Pressure from family
Reviewing Terms and Facts 3.Name three ways to say no to tobacco. Tobacco is expensive. I cannot afford to blow all my money on it. The smell of tobacco bothers me. Smoking just does not seem like fun to me.
Chapter Review
Reviewing Terms and Facts 1.______________ is a poisonous, odorless gas produced when tobacco burns. Carbon monoxide
Reviewing Terms and Facts 2.Smoking is not a healthy way to manage stress because: Stress doesn’t need to be managed. The craving for nicotine actually increases stress levels. The substances in tobacco are completely harmless. Most people do not have any stress.
Thinking Critically 3.Describe how a person who begins using tobacco becomes addicted. The three stages of tobacco addiction are: First use/Occasional Use Regular Use Total Dependency
Thinking Critically 4.How would you convince a friend not to smoke?
Vocabulary Review The media are the various methods of communicating information, including newspapers, magazines, radio, television, movies, and the Internet.