Getting Started
How Speech Is Learned You learned how to speak by imitating those around you. When you said or repeated words correctly, you were reinforced by words of : Praise Smiles Hugs and other favorable responses. at some point during this period your speech habits and your attitude about self were influenced by other : e.g : friends of your parent, your own friends, baby sisters, teacher, role models and the like. If you were fortunate, the result were good speech habits and good self concept.
SELF-CONCEPT self-concept refers to the perception you have of yourself if in regard to you physical appearance, Intelligence, personality, strengths, and weaknesses. It is the image or picture you have of yourself. you develop an image of yourself not only by how you view your own behavior, attitudes, values, and beliefs but also because of the way others have reacted to you both verbally and non-verbally.
Once you started school the missages you received that helped mold your self-concept came from other as well. Some responses that were particularly important to you came from those whom psychologists and sociologist call “ significant others” – peers, teachers, counselors and so on.
SIGNIFICANT OTHERS Significant others are those people we respect, whose opinions are particularly important to us. If significant others see us as being intelligent, competent, and caring, chances are we will see ourselves in the same way. e.g : - did you arrive at the opinion you have of yourself as a student ?
IMPROVING SELF-CONCEPT Following are specific suggestions for improving your self-concept. 1.Be willing to change 2.Be willing to forgive yourself 3.Set realistic goals 4.Develop your uniqueness 5.Stand up for what you believe 6.View yourself in the proper perspective.
THE IDEAL SELF the ideal self is the kind of person you would most like to be. This refers to the kind of qualities or characteristics you would like to possess, qualities that would make you a more substantive person. while you can certainly improve your personal appearance through exercise, dieting, appropriate dress, and careful grooming, it is unrealistic to assume that you can make yourself into a Hollywood star.
THE WAY OTHERS SEE YOU o Equally as important as the way you see yourself and the person you’d like to be is your idea of how others see you. o responses from others could lead you to form a rather negative concept of yourself, resulting in low self-esteem. o that the reaction of others to us can be interpreted differently. Sometimes, the same reaction might enhance the self-esteem of one person, yet lower the self-esteem of another. e.g : consider a situation where male offers to fix the flat tire for a member of the opposite sex.
SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY a self-fulfilling prophecy occurs when a person’s belief about what is going to happen influences his or her behavior, making the expected out came more likely. e.g: consider the following situations you expected to be nervous and do a poor job on your first speech and you did you expected to do poorly on a test and failed it.
another kind of self-fulfilling prophecy occurs when we are influenced to believe or act in certain way because of the opinion of significant other. the self-fulfilling prophecy can also operate in negative ways.
THE COMMUNICATIVE ACT There are elements involved in the speech communication process: (through which the message is sent), a audience, and a response. 1.A speakers wishes to communicate an idea. 2.The speaker encodes the idea in a message. 3.The message is sent, through a channel to an audience. 4.The audience recelves and decodes the message. 5.The audience responds to the message.
COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWNS Communication breakdowns occur because of some failure in the communication process. Communication breakdowns occur at some point during the speech situation. Perhaps the speaker has failed to analyze the audience correctly. Usually communication breakdowns can be traced to one of the five elements in the communication process: the speaker, message, channel, audience, or response.
LISTENING It is a frustrating thought that while you are delivering your speech, chances are that less than 15 percent of your audience will be actively listening to you. There is a consider able difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is the act of perceiving, sounds, while listening involves making sense out of what you have heard. Listening is an active process involves both concentration and thinking.
Following are eight barriers to concertration in listening: External noise Internal noise Bias toward speaker Emotional reaction Daydreaming Faking attention Fatigue Improper note taking
WAYS TO IMPROVE LISTENING Prepare to listen Avoid distractions Identify the central idea Indentify the main points Think along with the speaker Take effective notes
NOTE- TAKING TIPS Write down only important ideas a good speech is planned around a central idea and several main points. Write legibly sometimes note takers write to hurriedly that when they finish, they can’t read their own notes. Keep up if you find that you are falling behind in your note taking, skip a few lines and begin again.
Use your own word One of the best ways to show that you understand something is to be able to explain it in your own words. Be brief a common mistake among inexperienced note takers is the tendency to write down too much Don’t erase rather than wasting time erasing, draw a line through the mistake and continue. Don’t worry about spelling if you’re not sure about how a word is spelled, wrote it phonetically. You can check the spelling later when you expand your notes.
Date your notes whether you are taking notes on a lecture or a public speech, you should get into the habit of dating them. Expand your notes if the notes you are taking are for the purpose of helping you remember information or to aid you in studying for an exam, it is wise expand them as soon after a lecture as possible.