9/12/16 A Day On your white board answer the questions. - What is a simile? - What is a metaphor? Take out your notebook and pencil.
S tate part of the question L ocate evidence in the text A dd your own ideas M ake a meaningful conclusion Answering Questions the Best Way
Why S.L.A.M. ? ▪ To SLAM dunk answering questions, your answers should be expressed as complete sentences, and anyone who picks up your paper should be able to know what you are writing about and what you mean. ▪ “They are people, dingoes, and crocodiles.” by itself, could be the answer to countless questions. ▪ At your table come up with a question this could answer.
Why S.L.A.M. ? ▪ To SLAM dunk answering questions, your answers should be expressed as complete sentences, and anyone who picks up your paper, should be able to understand the initial question by reading your answer. ▪ “They are people, dingoes, and crocodiles.” by itself, could be the answer to countless questions. ▪ “What are the three main predators of the kangaroo?” ▪ “The three main predators of the kangaroo are people, dingoes, and crocodiles.”
What does S.L.A.M. mean ? S – State part of the question in your answer. Why was Red Riding Hood going through the woods? To see her grandma. She went through the woods to see her grandma.
What does S.L.A.M. mean ? L – Look for and locate evidence in the text to support your answer. According to … Based on the … The … proves … Why was Red Riding Hood going through the woods? She went through the woods to see her grandma. She went through the woods to see her grandma, because her mom sent her with goodies.
What does S.L.A.M. mean ? A – Add your own ideas or words to make the answer your own. In my opinion… This reminds me of… I can relate to … Why was Red Riding Hood going through the woods? She went through the woods to see her grandma. She went through the woods to see her grandma, because her mom sent her with goodies. My mom and I brought goodies to my grandma before.
What does S.L.A.M. mean ? M – Make a meaningful conclusion or connection. Create a full circle – connect back to the introduction. Why was Red Riding Hood going through the woods? ? She went through the woods to see her grandma. She went through the woods to see her grandma because her mom sent her. My mom and I brought goodies to my grandma. Red Riding Hood is a good granddaughter.
SLAM DUNK your answers every time! S tate part of the question. L ocate evidence in the text. A dd your own ideas. M ake a meaningful conclusion.
Common Core State Standards Reading Standards for Literature RL.8.1Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text Reading Standards for Informational Text RI.8.8Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text, identifying which reasons and evidence support which point(s) Writing Standards W.8.8. Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources; summarize or paraphrase information in notes and finished work, and provide a list of resources.
Works Cited Disinger, Mrs. Slam Guided Reading Response. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Pdf. Hicks, Mark A. Slamdunk Boy. Digital Image. Discovery Education’s Clip Art Gallery. Discovery Education, Web. 12 June Hicks, Mark A. Slamdunk Girl. Digital Image. Discovery Education’s Clip Art Gallery. Discovery Education, Web. 12 June 2015.