Solar and Lunar Eclipses ECLIPSES
WHAT ARE ECLIPSES? A "lunar eclipse" and a "solar eclipse" refer to events involving three celestial bodies: the Sun ("solar"), the moon ("lunar"), and the Earth.
WHAT IS A LUNAR ECLIPSE? A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun, and the Earth's shadow obscures the moon or a portion of it.
WHAT IS A SOLAR ECLIPSE? A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking all or a portion of the Sun.
SOLAR ECLIPSE India Solar Eclipse
REVIEW FOR TEST Day and Night cycle Year and Seasons Cycle – What causes the changing seasons? Shadow distance and direction Winter and Summer Solstice Autumn/Fall and Spring Equinox Daylight hours Direct and indirect sunlight
PHASES OF THE MOON What causes the Lunar Cycle? How does the moon impact the tides? What are Spring or Extreme tides? Be able to describe what they are and why they result in extreme/spring tides. Be able to draw them using both moons! How often do they occur? What are Neap tides? Why do we have them? Discuss the phase(s) of the moon associated with Neap tides. Using a diagram, use both moons! How often do they occur? What are the 8 phases of the moon? Be able to identify them and where they would be located on a diagram given earth, sun and moon.
ECLIPSES What is a lunar eclipse? Be able to draw one and discuss what happens. What is a solar eclipse? Be able to draw one and discuss what happens. Be able to identify which moon phase is needed for each of the eclipses.