Europe,I’m Coming-European Job challenge Grup Scolar “Aurel Vlaicu” Cluj-Napoca Working Conditions in Romania
Employee Rights In Romania, the employee has the following rights: -right to remuneration for their work -entitled to daily and weekly rest -entitled to annual leave -right to equal opportunity and treatment -right to dignity at work -right to safety and health -right of access to vocational training -right to information and consultation -right to protection in cases of dismissal -right to bargain collectively and individually -right to participate in collective action -right to form or join unions Europe,I’m Coming-European Job challenge
Employee Obligations By law, in Romania the employee has the following obligations: -The requirement to conduct work rate or, if necessary, to fulfill its tasks according to job description -The obligation to observe work discipline -The obligation to comply with the internal regulations, the applicable collectiveagreement and individual employment contract -Obligation of fidelity to the employer in performing duties -Obligation to comply with security measures and occupationalhealth in the unit -The obligation to respect professional secrecy. Europe,I’m Coming-European Job challenge
Employer Obligations -To inform employees on working conditions -To provide permanent technical and organizational conditions of work -To give employees all the rights deriving from the law -To pay all contributions and taxes in its task -To issue upon request all documents attesting to the employee of the applicant -To ensure confidentiality of employee caracterpersonal. Europe,I’m Coming-European Job challenge
Working time -For full-time employees during normal working time is 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week. -The maximum working time may not exceed 48 hours per week, including overtime. -Work performed outside normal working time per week is considered overtime. -Work performed between the hours to 6.00 is considered night work. Night workers have either reduced working hours or a salary increase. Europe,I’m Coming-European Job challenge
Salary The establishment and payment of salaries, discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, age, nationality, race, color, religion, political opinion, social origin, disability, family status or responsibilities. Salary includes basic salary, bonuses and other benefits. Salaries are paid before any other financial obligations of employers. Minimum gross salary for employees of the guaranteed national budget system to be set by the minimum gross Guvernului.Salariul to January 1, 2011 is of 670 RON (approx.157 EURO). Europe,I’m Coming-European Job challenge
Salary includes basic salary, bonuses and other benefits. Salaries are paid before any other financial obligations of employers. Minimum salary for employees of the guaranteed national budget system to be set by the guverment. Salary to January 1, 2011 is of 670 RON (approx.157 EURO). For private sector employees, base pay is at least 700 lei, and for university graduates minimum basic salary is 1204 (approx. 286 EURO). In Romania, all employee and employer contribute to social security, health fund, unemployment fund and the state budget through income tax. Europe,I’m Coming-European Job challenge Salary
Holidays Paid leave in Romania is of 3 types: Paid annual vacation is guaranteed to all employees, the minimum annual leave is 20days or 21 working days. Public holidays are not working are: 1 and 2 January, the first and second day of Easter May 1, December 1, first and second day of Christmas, the first and second day ofPentecost and the Assumption. Europe,I’m Coming-European Job challenge
Employees with disability, blind employee s and employees who work in special circumstances receive 3 additional days. Public holidays are not included in the annual leave period. During the leave the employee takes a leave allowance, which can not be less than the base salary. The holiday shall be paid by the employer at least 5 working days before the leave. Employees are entitled to receive, upon request, time off for training. Such leave may be paid or unpaid. Sick leave and allowances for temporary disability due to common illnesses or accidents outside work, sick leave for illness prevention and rehabilitation of work capacity, only for situations arising as a result of accidents or illnesses, maternity leave,sick leave to care for a sick child, sick maternal risk. Europe,I’m Coming-European Job challenge Holidays
Retirement Retirement age is 60 years for women and 65 for men. Average monthly pension is 749 lei. Europe,I’m Coming-European Job challenge
Curriculum Vitae -List your personal data -List your employment history. Your jobs should be listed in order with the most recent one first. -Provide information on your education. -Add additional sections as needed. Because a resume is unique to each person, you may want to add additional sections in order to highlight something that makes you stand out as the right candidate for the particular job. -Provide information on your skills, awards, and achievements. -Spell check and proofread your resume. Europe,I’m Coming-European Job challenge