Mango Spice Ltd1 Equality Impact Assessments
Mango Spice Ltd2 Facilitator Issan Ghazni Mango Spice Equality & Diversity Management Consultants
Mango Spice Ltd3 Aim To have a clear understanding of how to conduct Equality Impact Assessments.
Mango Spice Ltd4 Objectives Learning outcomes: Have a good understanding of governance surrounding the Race Relations Amendment Act, Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and other current and relevant equality legislation. Will have an understanding of Impact Assessment and how it relates to various equality legislation, standards for Better Health, World Class Commissioning & other core strategies.
Mango Spice Ltd5 Objectives Have an understanding of how inequality impacts on different communities. Will be able to define and understand Equality Impact Assessments processes. Will be practically equipped with the knowledge and skills to undertake Equality Impact Assessments at the Initial and full stages.
Mango Spice Ltd6 The Learning Contact Encompass your learning opportunities Responsibilities Respect Confidentiality Level of disclosure Burning Issues
Mango Spice Ltd7 Setting the Context Legislation Race Relations Act 1976 & 2000 Disability Discrimination Act (1995) – DDA 2005 Sex Discrimination Acts 1975, 1986 Equal Pay Act 1970 Human Rights Act 1998 Employment Equality Regulations 2003 (sexual orientation, age, religion or belief) Equality Act 2006 (this list is not exhaustive)
Mango Spice Ltd8 Setting the Context Equalities Legislation Historically has focused on preventing unlawful discrimination Focused on what not to do i.e. unlawful to treat people less favourably, as opposed to what to do. The Race relations (Amendment) Act 2000 changed this
Mango Spice Ltd9 Setting the Context Stephen Lawrence “it is incumbent upon every institution to examine their policies and the outcome of their policies and practices to guard against disadvantaging any section of our communities”
Mango Spice Ltd10 Setting the Context Race Relations (amendment) Act General duty to promote race equality: - eliminate unlawful discrimination - promote equality of opportunity; and - promote good race relations between people of different racial groups Specific duties to do with regard to producing a Race Equality Scheme.
Mango Spice Ltd11 Setting the Context Race Equality Scheme Must set out those functions and policies, or proposed policies which are assessed as relevant to the duty to promote race equality
Mango Spice Ltd12 Setting the Context Race Equality Scheme Need to set out arrangements for: Monitoring your policies to see how they affect race equality Assessing and consulting on policies you are proposing to introduce Publishing the results of consultation, monitoring and assessments Making sure that the public have access to the information and services you provide Training staff on the new duties
Mango Spice Ltd13 Setting the Context Mainstreaming equalities Corporate strategies/policies Standards for Better Health World Class Commissioning Scrutiny under EMSHA Performance Management Framework Departmental Development Plans
Mango Spice Ltd14 What is Impact Assessment? An equality Impact Assessment is a thorough and systematic analysis of a policy, whether that policy is written or unwritten, formal and informal, and irrespective of the scope of the policy.
Mango Spice Ltd15 Relevance – General Duty ‘A function or policy will be relevant if it has or could have, implications of any kind for promoting race equality. Any function or policy that involves the public, involving staff,….should be assessed as being relevant to the general duty’.
Mango Spice Ltd16 Equality Impact Assessments The key equality themes: Race and Ethnicity Gender Age Religion Disability Sexual Orientation Transgender Human Rights What are we impact assessing for?
Mango Spice Ltd17 Going beyond the obvious Equality Impact Assessments Race or Ethnicity -Not just Nationality but cultural beliefs and norms as well as Romany Gypsy and Irish Traveller communities and Asylum Seekers & Refugees / New Entrants Gender - Age - Older people, young people, children Male, Female and Transsexual Religion -Spiritual belief Disability - Learning Difficulties / Disability or Cognitive Impairment, Mental Health Need, Sensory Impairment (Visual and Hearing) Sexual Orientation -Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender
Mango Spice Ltd18 Equality Impact Assessments Who needs to carry out an Impact Assessment? Anyone who creates, reviews or manages a process/policy. Those involved in delivery or receipt of the process should also be considered.
Mango Spice Ltd19 Equality Impact Assessments When? When a service, policy, process is: Being developed/reviewed When it is known/suspected that the service is not being used by all parts of the community When there have been specific complaints Where audit/research has shown an adverse impact
Mango Spice Ltd20 EIA Stages Stage 1 – Initial Screening or Desktop Stage 2 – Full Impact Assessment
Mango Spice Ltd21 EIA Process – Existing policy Initial screening Collation of data/research Assessment of Impact Mitigation of Impact Consultation and Action Plan Publishing results Monitoring and evaluation
Mango Spice Ltd22 Initial Screening Purpose to define the aims of the policy by addressing specific questions: What is the policy? What is the aim or purpose of the policy? Are there associated objectives of the policy? If so what? Who defines or defined the policy? What outcomes do we want with this policy and for whom? Could this policy or aspects of this policy contribute to inequality? Are there groups who should benefit from the policy, but don’t?
Mango Spice Ltd23 Full EIA – 1) Collation of data To identify where policy has adverse impact, and address how this will be reversed. What do we know about this function/policy? What information is required to ensure that all perspectives are taken into account? What qualitative and quantitative data is accessible? Do you need to generate primary data? What mechanisms are required to consult effectively?
Mango Spice Ltd24 Full EIA – 2) Data Sources Data sources includes: Census data Service user records Observational Research reports Focus group interviews Pilot projects Interviews Complaint data
Mango Spice Ltd25 Full EIA – 3) Assessment of Impact Identify any trends or patterns Identify areas of low take up How good is the data? Is the differential impact adverse? What is the impact on different groups?
Mango Spice Ltd26 Full EIA – 4) Mitigation of Impact If the policy is unlawful it should be withdrawn. Consider actions to reverse adverse impact. Consider intervention or alternative measures to reverse impact. Is there any mitigation which could alleviate adverse impact? What resources will be required to implement change?
Mango Spice Ltd27 Full EIA – 5) Consultation Who is directly affected by the function/policy? Which groups have interest in the policy service function? What methods of consultation will be used? What resources are available? How will information be available to those consulted?
Mango Spice Ltd28 Full EIA – 6) Decision by Public Authorities Public authorities have a statutory and moral duty to have due regard Promoting equality of opportunity Accorded considerable weight
Mango Spice Ltd29 Full EIA – 7) Publication of Results EIA results must be published and publicly available Detail how and where the results will be published
Mango Spice Ltd30 Full EIA – 8) Publication of Results Executive summary Background Aims of policy Who was involved Relevance to Equality legislation Scope of EIA Data sources used Findings/conclusion