Consulting Services Why Social Media is a Problem Broadcast Medium Sankaranarayanan 22-23, June 2012, Chennai
The Problem About 50 Lakh barrels of crude oil flowed into Gulf of Mexico in 3 months More than 8,000 birds, sea turtles, and marine mammals were found injured or dead The Impact
Timeline Day 1 Oil spills Day 3 Media reports Day 10 Innocentive Challenge 5000 ideas a day Day 22 BP broadcast video
BP's response $90 million worth ads in three months
Social media is not just a PR tool Creative Communication (PR/Advertising) Co-creative Communication Problem cover upProblem broadcast What you knowWhat you want to know Know-howTell-how
Why problem broadcast?
Problem can build a brand "(When) people turn to our company...I believe they are looking for how IBMers approach problems, as well as for the types of problems we choose to approach," Sam Palmisano, Chairman, IBM
IBM Smarter Planet
Food to Energy
GE's Ecomagination
P&G Connect & Develop
Shell Dialogues
How to broadcast problem? Events Dedicated Portals SM Channels/ Web 2.0 Outsourcing
Birth of a new industry...
New kid on the block...
Consulting Services Facebook as Problem Wall India’s Mobile Industry
One Problem No Solution
Faceless Customer Nivedita Datta (December 26, 2011 at 12:11pm) “Dear (Operator), Hope u get back to me soon else I shall shift from (Operator) to some other provider & will recommend others also nt to go to (Operator) for their poor service. Regards, A (till now) loyal (Operator) cust.” Operator (December 26, 2011 at 3:53pm) “Hi Nivedita, We tried calling you but the number was switched off. Please share an alternate contact number for us here to help you better.”
Faceless Customer Nivedita Datta (December 26, 2011 at 6:58pm) “I called at the toll free no for assistance & was put on hold forever... seems u ppl don't anymore care about needs of your customers or u hav too many customers so u don't care about losing a few...!” Operator (December 27, 2011 at 9:48am) “Hello Nivedita, Thanks for speaking with us, do let us know whenever you need our assistance.”
Faceless Customer Nivedita Datta (December 27, 2011 at 9:50am) “seems u did't read what I wrote... No one picked my call to help me out...! N I m freaked out with such service...! and very soon i'll move out of (Operator) as I am losing trust on ur services...! :/” Operator (December 27, 2011 at 12:04pm) “Hello Nivedita, We request you to write to us at for further assistance.”
Faceless Customer Nivedita Datta (December 27, 2011 at 12:05pm) “I hav done that as well bt no reply...” Operator (December 27, 2011 at 3:24pm) “Hi Nivedita, Thanks for speaking with us, trust we were able to assist you with the info needed.”
Not an odd case
"The Facebook page serves as a platform for interaction and communication. In case you have any issues or concerns please send them to Posting on this page may not be the best way to get the information across. Social Media Policy How not to use Facebook!
Please note that this page is not intended as a place for receiving consumer complaints. Although we try to forward most of your complaints to our customer care department, if you have any questions about your motorcycle, you can reach us at: Social Media Policy How not to use Facebook!
Source: A New York University Study
Consulting Services Worksheet on Listening to Customer Complaints Link to File