Regional Project
Objectives To evaluate the performance of sensor-based N recommendation algorithms across a wide range of soil and climate conditions. To develop a database that will allow for development of improved algorithms. Foster cooperation across research programs (i.e., the end product will be better if we collaborate).
Elements of the Study 2005: Algorithm recommendations imposed as treatments. 2006: N rate response trials with sensor readings taken at time of in- season N application. At the end of the season, EONR is calculated and algorithms are evaluated to determine which ones best predict EONR.
2006 Sites Kansas Nebraska Missouri: 6 sites Illinois Ohio: 5 sites Virginia Quebec Total of 16 sites
Analysis Steps 1.Calculate EONR Relative to in-season N applications only Quadratic-plateau model By site 2.Average sensor measurements 3.Relate EONR to sensor measurements (SI or RI) 4.Using the proposed algorithms, calculate from sensor data N recommendations 5.Compare EONR to N recommendations
Findings 7/16 sites were sensed pre-V8. 10/16 sites were sensed at pre-V9. 7/16 sites had a side-dress EONR < 50 lbs N/A (total < 90 lbs N/A). 40 lbs/A at planting may be too much… masking the soil N supply. In some cases, starter with N and/or N in P fertilizer has also been applied, further masking soil N supply. Should the experimental design be altered?
Questions How do we account for: Maturity group or hybrid? N source/placement? Other N applications (e.g., MAP)? Irrigation? Weather information? Differences related to sensor types: GS and CC? Should the analysis include a comparison to the existing state N recommendation, and if yes then this will need to be added to the spreadsheet by the individual researchers before compiling?
Other Issues Submission of new algorithms to be tested. Sharing of SAS code and compiled regional data base. Publication recognition: Data and writing (at least “eyes on the manuscript” before submission)
2007 Regional Sites? Missouri: 3 sites Ohio: 6 sites
NDVI, V6, V8, V10, V12 SPAD, V6, V8, V10, V12 Daily Temperature (min and max), entire season Precipitation, entire season Issues for ALL TRIALS Replications: 3-4 Plot size: 4 rows wide x ft long Row Spacing: As per equipment used (30" or 36") P and K applied preplant to local sufficiency levels Nitrogen to be applied between V8 and V12 Nitrogen Sources: 1. Pre-Plant: Urea or UAN 2. Topdress: UAN Sensor/Chlorophyll Meter Readings Active Sensor readings taken weekly, Greenseeker RED Chlorophyll meter readings (SPAD) taken weekly Pre Plant Soil Tests (0-12, and 12-24") NO3-N, and NH4-N Total N Organic C pH Regional Trial 2006 Treatment Pre-plant N Top-dress Comments lb/ac 1 0 Check 2 N Rich Strip 0 N Rich Strip (160 to 200 depending on preplant soil test) 3 40 0 4 40 30 5 40 60 6 40 90 7 40 120 8 40 150 10 40 Sufficiency (30lbs applied when SI<95%)