A web storymap of inbound Italian migration flows Based on Gistat platform Antonella Gigantino - Marina Arcasenza - Pina Grazia Ticca Directorate for territorial and environmental statistics - Istat Rome, 16/06/2016 Studying Migrations Routes: New data and Tools
Agenda The GISTAT platform The datasets used The WebMapServices The GIS Web Application Studying Migrations Routes: New data and Tools
GISTAT Geospatial database with temporal dimension at national level (in evolution toward EU countries) WebMapServices to disseminate and share geographic and geostatistical data Web GIS applications to access WebMapServices ( Metadata Catalogue (standard INSPIRE, RNDT) Studying Migrations Routes: New data and Tools
Web Applications to visualize, geographically navigate, query and analyse geospatial data
The datasets used Geocoded names of place of birth ( registered in the residence permits database from Ministry of Interiors ) Other data (sex, age, type of work….) World countries borders ( linked to immigrants origin countries ) Italian administrative units Studying Migrations Routes: New data and Tools
Datasets coverage Residence permits from 5 countries China Egypt India Philippines Ukraine Years Studying Migrations Routes: New data and Tools
The Web Map Services A WebMapService per year ( origin countries for immigrants) A WebMapService per year for Italian administrative units ( destination provinces) Basemaps available Studying Migrations Routes: New data and Tools
The Web GIS application A re-usable template Based on multiple geographic panels for navigation and query Panels could be synchronized or user- managed Querying the province of destination or the country of origin Studying Migrations Routes: New data and Tools
The Web GIS application - User interaction Studying Migrations Routes: New data and Tools
The Web GIS application – From origin countries to destination provinces Studying Migrations Routes: New data and Tools
The Web GIS application – Querying the destination provinces
Studying Migrations Routes: New data and Tools The Web GIS application – Querying the origin countries
Studying Migrations Routes: New data and Tools Future developments Adding more datasets and more information for immigrants (sex, type of work,….) Adding more GIS tools to perform geospatial analysis Re-use experiences, templates and geospatial datasets models
Thanks for your attention Studying Migrations Routes: New data and Tools